Chapter 1359

When the [Smart Chariot] landed on the island, Wu Jiangzhen led a group of demons to surround him.

"Senior, you are all waiting here. I'll go out and tease the devil." Su Yi greeted Gu Haotian, and walked down alone.

Immediately, hundreds of eyes locked on Su Yi.

Su Yi was fearless, and swept his gaze, and finally landed on Wu Jiangzhen, with a chuckle, "Old man, let's meet again."

"Huh?" Wu Jiangzhen squinted his eyes at Su Yi, and suddenly said lightly, "Boy, why do I feel that you look familiar."

At that time, he met Su Yi outside the Yuankong Ancient Realm.

It's just that Su Yi is a small person, and he didn't pay much attention to him, so he wasn't impressed.

Su Yi reminded with a smile: "Didn't we see it last time when we were in Yuankong Ancient Realm?"

"Are you a human who participated in the Yuankong Ancient Realm?" Wu Jiang was shocked and suspicious.

"It's me." Su Yi affirmed, and then said: "Another secret to tell you, all four of you demons who participated in the Yuankong Ancient Realm died in my hands."

"So it was you who did it!" Wu Jiangzhen's expression suddenly became grim.

He was also implicated in the killing of four clansmen last time, and was sent to Xuankonghai to guard the border passage.

Therefore, I hate Su Yi, the chief culprit!

"Boy, you came here to tell me something, didn't you come to die?" Wu Jiangzhen looked at Su Yi forcefully and sneered.

Because Su Yi suppressed his cultivation on purpose, he didn't know the real situation of Su Yi, only Su Yi was still a small martial artist in the Gathering Soul Realm.

"I'm here to kill you." Su Yi said calmly.

"Kill us?" Wu Jiangzhen and the demons were all stunned.

After a long time, Wu Jiangzhen laughed wildly, "Haha, kid, have you lost your mind?"

Among the demons present, besides him, there were more than a dozen Illusory Spirit Realm warriors.

Su Yi is only at the Gathering Soul Realm, but also trying to kill them?Either a fool or a lunatic!
Su Yi didn't explain either, and when the corner of his mouth curled slightly, he released his soul power.

The soul power was invisible, turned into an invisible big hand, and instantly grabbed the head of a demon next to Wu Jiangzhen.

There was a loud bang.

Before the devil could even react, his head exploded and he died.

what's the situation?
The sudden appearance frightened all the devils.

The demon who died was in the Illusory Spirit Realm, and his strength was not weak. How could he die suddenly for no reason?

Just when all the demons were wondering, a loud noise broke the silence on the field.

All the demons followed the prestige, and in sight, another demon's head exploded and died.

Once it might be an accident, but twice it means that someone made a move secretly.

Realizing this, all the devils panicked, fearing that they would be the next to be murdered.

However, no matter how vigilant they were, they could not find any clues.

At this time, the violent noise was still being staged, and the speed was getting faster and faster, and it was getting denser and denser.

Every violent sound represents the death of a demon, and in the blink of an eye, seven to eighty people have died tragically.

The rest of the demons were about to piss in fright, and fled desperately towards the boundary channel.

But how could their escape speed compare to Su Yi's hunting speed?

bang bang
After a series of violent noises, the remaining demons all fell into a pool of blood.

Wu Jiangzhen is the only demon who is still alive.

(End of this chapter)

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