Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1360 I won't play with you anymore

Chapter 1360 I won't play with you anymore

"Soul Power!"

Wu Jiangzhen soon realized that there was a very powerful soul cultivator hidden nearby, because only soul cultivators possessed the means to kill people invisible.

Realizing this, Wu Jiangzhen's face was full of horror.

Being able to kill hundreds of demons so easily, this hidden soul cultivator must be in the realm of the gods.

So where is this person?Why didn't you do anything to him for a long time?
Wu Jiang glanced around in shock and doubt, and was stunned when he saw Su Yi was looking at him with a teasing look.

Is this young man in front of him the spiritual cultivator of the spiritual realm?
is it possible?
Wu Jiangzhen asked subconsciously: "Did you kill my people?"

Su Yi smiled faintly, "You guessed it right."

Wu Jiangzhen's mouth suddenly opened wide, and his mind was buzzing.

The last time he was in Yuankong Ancient Realm, the young man in front of him was only in the Soul Concentration Realm.

In a few months, you can be promoted to the realm of the gods?
Absolutely absurd!

"Boy, don't play tricks!" Wu Jiangzhen roared.

He was certain that Su Yi couldn't possibly become a martial artist in the God Realm, because no one could be promoted so quickly in such a short period of time!
Even if you kill him, you won't believe it.

"You'll know if you try it out." Su Yi reminded with a smile.

Wu Jiangzhen's complexion suddenly became cloudy and uncertain. After thinking about it for a while, he clenched his teeth and a concrete object appeared.

He knew very well that no matter whether Su Yi was a warrior in the supernatural realm or not, he would not escape death today.

If he could kill Su Yi before he died, it would be a good deal.

Muran, a sledgehammer wrapped in lightning descended from the sky, and suddenly smashed it at Su Yi.

"Small tricks!" Su Yi curled his lips, manipulating his soul power to meet him.

When he saw Wu Jiangzhen's figurative objects for the first time, he was so shocked that he even felt inexplicably terrified.

But now, with the soaring cultivation base, this thunder hammer is almost like a toy in his eyes.

The next moment, the huge thunder hammer exuding the power of violent thunder and lightning rushed to the midair one meter away from Su Yi, and came to an abrupt stop inexplicably.

The thick electric arcs on it kept beating, as if they were resisting.

But under the oppression of the soul power, he couldn't make any waves.

Su Yi hooked his fingers forward, and the thunder hammer fell into his hand like an arm.

Then, he looked at it like holding a toy.


When seeing this scene, Wu Jiangzhen was completely dumbfounded.

His figurative object was actually held by the other party and played with?is this real?
On the other side, Su Yi sized it up for a while, then popped the Thunder Hammer casually.

The figurative objects were destroyed, and Wu Jiangzhen was severely injured. Blood sprayed out of his mouth, and his breath quickly became weak.

Until now, he didn't realize what a terrifying existence Su Yi was.

How many people in this world can do it with bare hands?

Is this fucking human?It is clearly a monster!

"Almost, I won't play with you anymore."

Su Yi rushed in front of Wu Jiangzhen with a whoosh, and kicked him out.

Wu Jiangzhen received a powerful blow and flew out without any resistance.

When flying to a distance of 100 meters, the whole body disintegrated quickly, and finally turned into a blood mist floating in the air.

Afterwards, Su Yi destroyed the boundary channel, got on the [smart chariot] and drove away.

(End of this chapter)

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