Chapter 1361 Trap
[Smart Chariot] After continuing to fly for more than ten minutes, a huge island appeared in front of it.

From a distance, five tall figures could be seen standing on the island, and each figure was at least ten feet high.

This island is also where the Titans of Taita are located.

"No. 2, check the situation on the island." Su Yi ordered.

The juvenile Taita giant has a strength value of more than 30000 kilograms, and the adult one has broken through the level of 100000 kilograms.

It can be said that the Taita giants are definitely a race that is not easy to deal with, so we must be more cautious.

[Smart Chariot] After investigating for a while, he replied: "Su Yi, there are five Taita people on the island, and they are all young."

"Then it's no problem, No. 2, kill him." Su Yi gave the order.

With their strength, hunting down five juvenile Titans is not a problem at all, and there is no need to worry about anything at all.

[Smart chariot] rushed to the island at high speed.

After the five young Titans discovered the [Smart Chariot], they seemed very calm, neither attacking nor hiding, as if they had known the [Smart Chariot] would come.


After the hatch opened, Su Yi and others came out one after another.

"Su Yi, I haven't killed a Titan yet, save one for me." Gu Haotian chuckled.

Wu Zhe and Xiaojian also hold this idea.

"No problem, enough for us." Su Yi smiled.

There are five Taita giants on the scene, one person kills one, and there is one left.

"Humans, you are finally here." Suddenly, a titan glanced at Su Yi and the others, and sneered.

"Huh?" Su Yi was puzzled.

Hearing what the other party meant, he had already prepared and knew that they would come.

So why didn't they escape?On the contrary, he still looks confident?

When Su Yi was contemplating, [Smart Chariot] suddenly reminded: "Su Yi, I feel that there is a formation fluctuation on this island."

"Formation?" Su Yi frowned.

If there is a formation, it means that there is likely to be an ambush on the island.

Thinking of this, he quickly cast his illusory eyes to scan around.

Soon, he discovered a giant Taita standing not far away with a height of nearly twenty feet.

Obviously, this is an adult Titan.

In addition, there are eleven men in bright clothes floating around, each of them looks like a handsome man, but there is a sinister look in their brows, giving people a feeling that strangers should not enter .

What Su Yi could be sure of was that these eleven people were all from different races, and it was not clear which race they were.

However, the other party's ambush here must be plotting something wrong.

"There is an ambush, let's retreat first!" Su Yi made a decisive decision.

Without knowing the opponent's strength, it is wisest to ensure safety first.

Gu Haotian and the others looked terrified, but they didn't think too much about it, they all flew out of the island.

But just as they were about to fly out of the island, the entire island trembled suddenly, and then a huge white mask fell from the sky, completely covering the island and blocking their way.

"Can you escape?"

Muran, a cold howl floated over.

But he saw the adult Taita giant and those eleven men appearing in front of him.

When seeing these eleven men, [Smart Chariot] reminded anxiously, "Su Yi, the other party is a protoss. Ten of them are at the fifth level of the divine realm and one is at the sixth level of the divine realm."

(End of this chapter)

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