Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1362 Unprecedented Crisis

Chapter 1362 Unprecedented Crisis

"God Race!"

Gu Haotian and others were shocked.

Even Su Yi's face became ugly.

The protoss is one of the five super races, and among practitioners of the same level, their fighting power is extremely strong.

Ten five-level supernatural powers plus one sixth-level supernatural powers were enough to destroy them.

The current situation is extremely dangerous for them.

Gu Haotian's reaction was fast enough, the moment the long golden knife appeared, it slashed into the barrier of the formation in the air.

There was a crackling sound.

A hole several feet in size was split in the formation barrier immediately.

Gu Haotian shouted happily: "Go!"

"Hey. I told you a long time ago that you can't escape."

The protoss at the sixth level of the psychic realm gave a grin, stretched out his hand and Muran moved forward, as if a wave appeared in the air, it rushed towards Su Yi and the others quickly.

"Soul power!" Su Yi's brows twitched violently.

He also often uses soul power to kill enemies. When he realizes that the opponent is a soul cultivator, he quickly opens the world fragments and takes Wu Zhe into it.

Wu Zhe only has the second level of the spiritual realm, so he can't resist the impact of the soul force of the sixth level of the spiritual realm.

Originally, he planned to put Xiaojian and [Smart Chariot] away together.

However, the opponent's soul power came so fast that it enveloped him in an instant.

Immediately, he felt a powerful invisible force squeeze over.

Xiaojian and [Smart Chariot] even lost the ability to move directly.

Gu Haotian next to him gritted his teeth, and slashed through the air with the golden long knife.

clack clack.
Accompanied by the sound of shattering, the soul power shrouded in the surroundings was cut to pieces with a single blow.

Su Yi regained his freedom, and immediately collected the [Smart Chariot] into the world fragments.

"What a powerful figurative object!"

The face of the sixth-level god clansman in the psychic realm froze slightly, and then he snorted coldly: "Shoot together!"

The remaining ten protoss all moved forward.

Suddenly, the surrounding air seemed to be boiling, and there were huge ripples that swept towards Su Yi and Gu Haotian.

Before Su Yi could put Xiaojian away, he felt an invisible force that was infinitely stronger than before crushing him.


Xiaojian immediately snorted in pain.

Gu Haotian swung the knife desperately, but this time it seemed that he had encountered great resistance. The golden long knife fell into a stagnation after only a short distance, as if it had fallen into a swamp.

"Su Yi, they are all soul cultivators!" Gu Haotian roared in shock.

At this moment, he has completely lost the ability to move.

Eleven soul cultivators teamed up to attack, the lethality was too great, it was simply not something he could compete with.

Seemingly predicting that he was about to die, Gu Haotian's face was bleak.

At this critical moment, Su Yi was surprisingly calm, and his mind was spinning rapidly.

If you want to survive, you can only tear up the surrounding soul power.

Gu Haotian must be hopeless, he can only rely on himself.

Muran, an awe-inspiring look appeared on Su Yi's face, and a black light suddenly shot out from his eyes, which instantly pierced into the eyes of a God Race man.

He guessed that the other party must have used a joint attack technique, which could twist the soul force into a rope.

As long as the balance is broken, the opponent's soul power will definitely be weakened, then he will have a chance.


The Protoss man was suddenly attacked by the [Devil's Pupil], and a painful color appeared on his face.

Although [Devil's Pupil] did not bring him too much damage, it inevitably made him lose his mind.

This also leads to the inability to concentrate on manipulating mental power.

(End of this chapter)

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