Chapter 1363 Mutation
Su Yi clearly noticed that the surrounding soul force was a little weaker than before.

This is an opportunity to break free, of course he will not miss it.

"Break it for me!"

Su Yi's body was surrounded by a layer of colorful light, exuding a terrifying aura of destruction.

He yelled loudly and thrust his arms out violently.

The strength of [-] kilograms was transmitted unreservedly, and supplemented by the energy of the law of chaos, there was a sound of cracking all around.

"Oh my god!" Gu Haotian was stunned.

It's unbelievable that Su Yi broke the soul power of eleven psychic cultivators with his own strength!
"What a powerful body!"

The god clansman at the sixth level of the supernatural realm looked horrified, but soon returned to normal, and said coldly: "Even if you have the means to reach the sky, you will never escape!"

A click.

A gap suddenly opened in mid-air, and a silver disc about the size of Zhang flew out of it, floating above the heads of the sixth-level god clansman of the celestial realm.

At this moment, he suddenly manifested a concrete object.

At the same time, the other ten Protoss also manifested concrete objects.

All of them are silver discs, but they are relatively smaller, only one tenth of the size of the sixth level of the supernatural realm.

The next moment, eleven silver disk figurative objects gathered together.

The largest one is in the middle, and ten smaller ones are inlaid on the edge, as if combined into a silver flower.

"Can figurative objects be combined with each other?"

When Gu Haotian saw this scene, a strong sense of unease welled up in his heart.

Muran, this silver flower began to spin around.

A strange scene appeared.

In front of it, a surge of invisible force like a tsunami ripped apart the void.

"It's over!"

Gu Haotian's heart skipped a beat.

Originally, he was counting on Su Yi to crush the opponent's soul power and escape.

But after seeing the more powerful soul power released by the other party's concrete object, his heart was cold.

At this moment, Su Yi strongly shattered the surrounding soul power.

However, less than a second after regaining freedom, he was enveloped by a piece of soul power again.

Moreover, the soul power this time is obviously more than twice as strong as before.

All of a sudden, he was restrained so that he couldn't move.

"Is it over?"

Su Yi was extremely unwilling, but he had to accept the reality.

Because with his current ability, he is simply unable to break free from this soul force.

When the three of Su Yi and the others were controlled, the sixth-level protoss of the psychic state laughed and said: "Hey, I told you a long time ago that all resistance is futile! Now you can go to die!"

After saying that, he winked at the twenty-foot-tall Titan next to him.

The latter understood it, moved his foot, took only one step, and appeared in front of the three of Su Yi.

"You can die!"

With a cruel look on the face of the giant titan, he raised an extremely huge fist, just as he was about to smash it down.

From Su Yi's [Qiankun Ring], a blue beam of light suddenly shot out.


This blue beam of light flew in front of Su Yi, and after a while, it turned into a little girl over one meter tall in a blue dress.

The sudden scene stunned everyone present.

When he realized it, Qiqi looked at the little girl.

In the line of sight, this little girl is petite and cute, like an elf.

However, the coercion emanating from her body was as thick as a mountain, making everyone breathless.

(End of this chapter)

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