Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1374 You should express once

Chapter 1374 You Should Say Something

"I'm convinced!" Jin Yao Xingkonglong sighed.

Although the Dragon Clan is a proud race, they treat the strong with respect.

Su Yi was able to crush him head-on, and his strength was so powerful that he had already won his respect.

The reason why Su Yi chose to single out was because of this consideration.

Because only by defeating the opponent upright, can the opponent be convinced.

Then things will be easier to do later.

"Old Jin, what are you doing here at Blue Star?" Su Yi asked.

"Old Jin?" Jin Yao Xingkonglong was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized that this was what Su Yi called him. He didn't care too much, and said, "I came to Blue Star to find the whereabouts of a member of the clan."

"Is it the Black Xue Jin Jinglong?" Su Yi probed.

"That's right." Jin Yao Xing Konglong was excited immediately, and asked eagerly: "Have you seen him? Do you know where he is?"

"Yes." Su Yi nodded, and said in a deep voice, "But he has been transformed into an undead by an undead cultivator."


A flame of anger ignited in Jin Yao Xing Konglong's eyes, and he said through gritted teeth, "Where is that evil cultivator? I must kill him!"

In addition to their own strength, the Dragon Clan is also particularly united, and also very vengeful.

Once a member of the clan is persecuted, they will even use the strength of the whole clan to retaliate.

When he learned that the Black Xue Jin Jinglong was refined into undead, he even had the idea of ​​destroying the undead clan.

"That evil cultivator has been killed by me." Su Yi said calmly.

"Killed?" Jin Yao Xing Konglong's expression changed, and he asked instead: "Then what about Hei Xue Jin Jinglong's dragon soul?"

Su Yi didn't answer directly, but said with a smile: "I killed that evil cultivator, which is equivalent to avenging your people. Shouldn't you be grateful?"

The corner of Jin Yao Xing Konglong's mouth twitched, "It should be thanks! Thank you."

This is the first time he has seen someone who took the initiative to thank others.

I was a little uncomfortable for a while, and I couldn't figure out Su Yi's way.

Su Yi said thoughtfully: "In order to avenge your people, you paid a huge price to kill that evil cultivator. Just thank you verbally? Don't you need to express it?"

Jin Yao Starry Sky Dragon: "."

Is this asking for something?Can this be done?
Why is this young man in front of him different from the ones he has seen before?
Jin Yao Xing Konglong regained his composure, and was about to open the storage bag to get things.

Although I don't like Su Yi's style, but what Su Yi said is really good, and it is right to show something.

"Don't rush to get things." Su Yi stopped.

Jin Yao Xing Konglong was stunned.

What the hell do you mean?Are you kidding me?
Su Yi continued: "You should be clear about one thing, right? Once your people are refined into undead, there are only two results waiting for him. One is to become an unconscious puppet, and the other is to disappear."

"I know." Jin Yao Xing Konglong nodded, with a trace of sadness in his eyes, and his mood dropped a lot.

Su Yi glanced at the other party, and suddenly said: "However, I have a way to save him."

"What?" Jin Yao Xing Konglong stared at Su Yi dumbfounded, and asked excitedly, "Are you serious?"

"Really." Su Yi affirmed.

Jin Yao Xing Konglong pondered for a moment, then said again: "How do you prove it?"

Su Yi said with a smile: "There is only one way to save your clansman, and feed him enough life psychic liquid, and I have a way to get the life psychic liquid."

(End of this chapter)

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