Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1375 I Will Give You Face

Chapter 1375 I Want To Give You Face

"Thank you so much!" Hei Yao Starry Sky Dragon thanked him sincerely.

The life psychic liquid has the miraculous effect of bringing the dead back to life, and it is also the only way to save Hei Xuejin Jinglong.

If Su Yi can point this out, he probably won't lie.

"Don't be in a hurry to thank me." Su Yi smiled, and then said: "Although I have a way to get the life liquid, it takes time. It can be as short as a few months or as long as a few years, so it can't be saved in a short time. Your clansmen. In addition, to obtain the spiritual liquid of life, you need to consume a lot of spiritual materials and spiritual crystals, and I have been a little short of money recently."

Jin Yao Xing Konglong's mouth opened wide again.

He finally understood, Su Yi was clearly asking for something again.

However, as long as Hei Xue Jin Jinglong can be saved, paying some price is nothing.

"What do you need?" Jin Yao Xing Konglong asked.

"[-] top-grade spirit crystals and unlimited other spirit materials, the more the better." Su Yi said calmly.

When Gu Haotian next to him heard this number, his mind was buzzing.

Ten thousand top-quality spirit crystals?

Su Yi really dared to open his mouth like a lion!

In fact, Su Yi also knew that the other party would definitely not be able to offer so much, so he just said it casually, waiting for the other party to bargain.

Jin Yao Xing Konglong swallowed, "Are you kidding me? How can I have so many top-quality spirit crystals?"

Even if the entire dragon clan is turned upside down, it is impossible to take out [-] top-quality spirit crystals.

"How many do you have?" Su Yi asked.

"I only have twenty." Jin Yao Xing Konglong said shyly.

"That much?" Su Yi frowned.

Although I didn't plan to ask for [-], the amount given by the other party was too small.

Jin Yao Xing Konglong also felt that it was not appropriate, and added: "I can give you some top-level spiritual materials. If you are still not satisfied, I will get some more from the Hui clan."

"Okay, take out something and let me have a look." Su Yi sighed.

He still has a longer-term plan, and he can count as much as he can right now.

Jin Yao Xing Konglong didn't expect Su Yi to be so talkative, so he quickly opened the storage bag and took out all the things inside.

Suddenly, a large pile of spiritual materials and ores appeared in front of Su Yi, like a small mountain.

In addition, there are tens of thousands of high-grade spirit crystals, and twenty top-grade spirit crystals.

At this time, Jin Yao Xing Konglong said: "Twenty top-quality spirit crystals are here. In addition, you can choose whatever spiritual material or ore you like."

"Choice? Only children choose, I want them all!" Su Yi smiled secretly, then waved his hand, and put everything into the [Qiankun Ring].

Jin Yao Xing Konglong was dumbfounded.

Is it just such a nest?This is too greedy, right?
If I had known this was the case, I wouldn't have brought out so many things, and now I am so regretful that my intestines are green.

Su Yi was in a good mood, and said with a smile: "Old Jin, you are too polite. Since you are so sincere, I have to give you face, so I will accept the things."

Jin Yao Starry Sky Dragon: "."

I didn't say give it all to you!You can't be like this!
Su Yi continued on his own: "Since I have taken your things, I promise to save your people."

"That's good." Jin Yao Xing Konglong was somewhat comforted.

"By the way, how did you get into Blue Star? Your Dragon Clan has opened a boundary channel, right?" Su Yi asked suddenly.

Jinyao Xingkonglong said immediately: "I entered your Blue Star through a boundary channel opened by the Moguang tribe."

(End of this chapter)

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