Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1376 personally escorting

Chapter 1376 personally escorting

"Huh?" Su Yi's face suddenly darkened.

Jinyao Xingkonglong was able to come from the demon's realm, which shows that the relationship between the two parties is good.

The demon has already surrendered to the fierce beast, is it also the case with the dragon clan?

Seeing Su Yi's uneasy expression, Jin Yao Xing Konglong hurriedly explained, "Don't get me wrong, our Dragon Clan has nothing to do with the Moguang Clan."

"Then how can you pass through their boundary channel?" Su Yi asked.

The stakes are high, and it has to be figured out.

Jinyao Starry Sky Dragon puffed up his chest, and said with a little pride: "Our dragon race can be regarded as a first-class and powerful race. Except for fierce beasts, which race doesn't give some face? Let's use their boundary channel. It can be regarded as worthy of them!"

Su Yi: "."

Jinyao Xingkonglong, who is pretending to be a force, is indeed of a certain level, and he will not accept it.

Su Yi breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Lao Jin, the fierce beasts have invaded on a large scale, and more than [-]% of the races have surrendered to the fierce beasts. What do you Dragon Clan think?"

The current situation is very unfavorable to the human race, and there are almost no allies.

If the Dragon Clan can be brought over, it will definitely be a great help.

Jinyao Xingkonglong sighed, "The fierce beasts are indeed too arrogant, and I have long disliked them. However, I am only a small role in the Dragon Clan, and I have no right to speak. It is up to the Dragon Clan to make a choice." Those seniors make the decisions."

"What if the beast invades you?" Su Yi asked tentatively.

"The fierce beasts dare to invade an inch of our territory, and our Dragon Clan will fight them to the death!" Jin Yao Xing Konglong's words carried an uncompromising will.

"That's good." Su Yi nodded slightly.

What he was most afraid of was that the dragon clan could not withstand the pressure, and finally surrendered to the beast.

If this is the case, it will be too bad for the human race.

"Although the fierce beast is powerful, our dragon clan is not a vegetarian! Moreover, our dragon clan is a very proud race. Even if we die in battle, we will not choose to surrender to the beast!" Jin Yao Xingkonglong added.

Su Yi seemed to be infected, and sighed faintly, "If all races are as strong as yours and mine, how can fierce beasts be rampant?"

"Who says it's not." Jin Yao Xing Konglong echoed: "The race that chooses to surrender to the beast is so cheap, and deserves to be trampled underfoot for the rest of its life!"

"Let's not get entangled in this matter." Su Yi calmed down and asked about the business, "If I save Hei Xue Jin Jinglong, how can I contact you?"

"He knows the territory of our dragon clan, you just let them go back on their own." Jin Yaoxing Konglong said.

"No!" Su Yi flatly refused.

The corner of Jin Yao Xing Konglong's mouth twitched, "Why?"

Su Yi said seriously: "It's a lesson from the past, your clansmen have already been murdered by evil cultivators once, how can I rest assured that he will go back alone?"

"You think so?" Jin Yao Xing Konglong was a little bit unconvinced, and always felt that Su Yi was a little insincere.

But I have to say that Su Yi is really thoughtful.

Don't be afraid of [-], just be afraid of what.

Hei Xue Jin Jinglong is only at the second level of the Divine Ability Realm, maybe there will be accidents.

"Then what do you think should be done?" Jin Yao Xing Konglong asked after thinking for a while.

Su Yi had already prepared, "I plan to personally escort your people back."

In fact, this is just an excuse, mainly to go to the Dragon Clan territory.

What he did before was also planned for this matter.

The purpose is also very simple, to get in touch with some powerful experts of the Dragon Clan and take the opportunity to extract their abilities.

There are countless strong dragon clans, and after some contact, they might break through to the true spirit realm directly.

(End of this chapter)

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