Chapter 1377 What a pity
Of course, without the ability to protect himself, Su Yi would not take risks easily.

In case the Dragon Clan plots something wrong, there will be no chance of escaping.

Therefore, this matter needs to be discussed in the long run.

"You want to personally escort?" Jin Yao Xing Konglong was stunned for a moment, then said: "In this case, wouldn't you be in danger too?"

The human race is no better than the dragon race, and no other race outside the dragon race dares to provoke them easily.

But the human race is different. The human race is the thorn in the flesh of the ferocious beasts, and once they show up, they will be besieged and killed.

Su Yi said solemnly: "Lao Jin, although we had a fight, we still don't know each other. In addition, I admire your dragon race, which has a backbone, so I already regard your dragon race as friends."

"Since we are friends, even if we go up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire, it is our duty to do so!"

"Isn't it developing a little fast? We're now friends?" Jin Yao Xing Konglong opened his mouth, but couldn't digest it for a while.

Su Yi took a look at the other party, and said with a smile: "Of course, if you look down on me, Su Yi, just pretend that I didn't say that."

"Why would I look down on you?" Jin Yao Xing Konglong said hastily: "Su Yi, no matter what other members of our Dragon Clan treat you, I, Jin Guanglin, recognize you as a friend."

Su Yi has already talked about this point, if he doesn't agree, it's a bit unreasonable to be true.

After all, Su Yi has already promised to save his clansmen, and even take the risk of escorting them.

Based on these two points alone, it is worth intersecting.

There was an imperceptible smile on the corner of Su Yi's mouth.

With Jin Guanglin as a matchmaker, perhaps it is really possible to draw the entire Dragon Clan to his side.

"Old Jin, how is your injury?" Su Yi asked with concern.

Before, he also acted in anger. If it were someone else, he would have been tortured to death long ago.

Fortunately, Jin Guanglin is relatively resistant to manufacturing.

Since we are friends, we naturally have to care about it.

"Don't worry, I can still bear it, it will be fine later." Jin Guanglin said indifferently.

"Huh?" Su Yi couldn't believe it, "Really?"

Jin Guanglin said proudly: "Su Yi, you may not know that I have a healing body. As long as it is not a fatal injury, I can repair it by myself in a short time."

"Healing body?" Su Yi was extremely surprised.

In this way, Jin Guanglin and Wukong have the same physique?
Unfortunately, the system did not extract this ability.

Otherwise, he would become an unbeatable Xiaoqiang.

Su Yi asked with a hint of expectation: "Old Jin, the rest of your Dragon Clan should also have healing bodies, right?"

His idea is very simple, it can't be extracted from Jin Guanglin, but maybe it can be extracted from others.

Jin Guanglin said: "The healing body is a very remarkable physique, even in our Dragon Clan, it is very rare."

"That's it." Su Yi's eyes lit up, and he said, "Old Jin, do you plan to return to the Dragon Clan or play in Blue Star for a few days?"

Jin Guanglin thought for a while and said: "The main task of coming out this time is to find the clansmen. Now that we have completed it, we must hurry up and report back."

"Then I won't keep you here." Su Yi smiled, then opened the [Qiankun Ring], took out a dozen giant watermelons and placed them in front of Jin Guanglin, "Old Jin, I don't have anything else for you either. , don't dislike these watermelons."

There are too many giant watermelons in [Qiankun Jie], almost can't fit in it, so it can just be used as a gift.

(End of this chapter)

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