Chapter 1378

"Thank you!" Jin Guanglin put the giant watermelon in his storage bag and said sheepishly, "Su Yi, I don't have anything for you either."

He did have nothing left, because the storage bag was emptied by Su Yi.

Su Yi said indifferently: "Old Jin, since we are friends, don't say such outrageous things."

"En." Jin Guanglin nodded slightly.

Su Yi went on to say: "Old Jin, let's leave now."

There is still a lot of things waiting to be dealt with at the rear base, and he doesn't want to waste time.

Jin Guanglin suddenly said, "Su Yi, can I ask you a question?"

"Ask whatever you want," Su Yi said straight.

"How old are you?" Jin Guanglin asked curiously.

Judging from his appearance alone, Su Yi should be less than 20 years old.

But if you are less than 20 years old, you can advance to the third level of the God-passing Realm?Can he still have the strength to crush him?

Su Yi did some calculations and said, "Almost eighteen."

When he first came to Blue Star, he was 17 years old. After such a long time, it should be here.

"You?" Jin Guanglin was stunned.

The third level of the supernatural realm?What kind of monster is this?
The only one who can do this is Su Chen, who is of course the strongest of the human race.

Su Chen?Su Yi?
Jin Guanglin suddenly thought of something, and tentatively said: "Su Yi, you are not the reincarnation of Senior Su Chen, are you?"

It's unbelievable.

Su Yi: "."

Although Su Chen is very good, but he is not bad, of course he does not want to be another person.

"How could I be the reincarnation of Senior Su Chen?" Su Yi laughed dumbfounded, and then added: "Of course, my ambition is to become the strongest person like Senior Su Chen! Moreover, I have full confidence in myself!"

"Extremely strong?" Jin Guanglin clicked his tongue fiercely.

He didn't expect Su Yi's ideal to be so lofty.

For tens of thousands of years, Su Chen was the only one who came out of the ten thousand races.

This shows how difficult it is to be promoted to the strong.

Can Su Yi really do it?
Su Yi didn't explain too much, exchanged a few words with Jin Guanglin, and then separated.

Behind, [Smart Chariot] flew straight to the forbidden area of ​​death.

After flying for about an hour, Gu Haotian suddenly said: "Su Yi, I will not go back to the forbidden area of ​​death with you."

"Huh?" Su Yi froze for a moment.

Gu Haotian explained: "I want to hurry up and go back and discuss with other people to see if I can continue to stick to Yaoguang City."

Originally, he was very confident in defending Yaoguang City.

But after seeing the strength of the aliens, his heart has already begun to waver.

There are 10,000+ people in Yaoguang City. Once you decide to give up, you must first transfer the people in the city.

This process takes a lot of time.

"Oh." Su Yi nodded, and then said: "Senior, we will meet later!"

Since Gu Haotian has serious business to do, it is inconvenient for him to stay, anyway, there will be a chance to meet in the future.

After seeing off Gu Haotian, the 【Smart Chariot】continues to head towards the forbidden area of ​​death.

There was no trouble in the back, and after more than an hour, he returned to the rear base smoothly.

Su Yi first found Luo Junnan, asked about the situation of the rear base, and when he learned that everything was normal, he returned to the stone house.

At this time, [Smart Chariot] asked: "Su Yi, I'm going to find Xiaohong if I have nothing else to do."

(End of this chapter)

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