Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1382 Hurry up and get the seeds

Chapter 1382 Hurry up and get the seeds

"Finally succeeded!" Su Yi let out a long sigh of relief, looking even more tired than Ling Nianyao.

"I succeeded! I have been promoted to the Illusory Spiritual Realm!" Ling Nianyao shouted excitedly, constantly manipulating the figurative objects to fly around in front of her.

It's like a child who hasn't grown up and got a novel toy.

"That's all it takes." Su Yi shook his head, and didn't bother Ling Nianyao, and let her be happy for a while.

Ling Nianyao rejoiced for a while, came to Su Yi, and said gratefully: "Su Yi, thanks to your help this time."

Without Su Yi's guidance, she would not be able to condense concrete objects so smoothly.

"You're welcome." Su Yi smiled lightly, and suddenly took back the top-grade spirit crystal from Ling Nianyao's hand.

Before, Ling Nianyao had enough aura in the process of condensing concrete objects, so she didn't use this top-quality spirit crystal.

The best spirit crystal is a necessity for [smart chariot] to travel through the realm.

He himself doesn't have much, so of course he will take it back.

Ling Nianyao looked at Su Yi in a daze, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Su Yi clearly gave this top-grade spirit crystal to her, and she took it back in a blink of an eye?
A little too stingy.

"What are you looking at? The thing is mine in the first place. Is it wrong for me to take it back?" Su Yi said confidently.

Ling Nianyao: "."

Just take it, the key is can you tell me in advance?Is it necessary to rob?

Su Yi put the top-grade spirit crystal in the storage bag, and said instead: "Hurry up and open Moonlight City and take out the seeds."

Ling Nianyao regained her composure, smiled and said, "Su Yi, can I ask you a question?"

"What's the matter? Ask quickly." Su Yi became impatient.

Ling Nianyao said seriously: "How much is the Illusory Spirit Realm you are now? Have you improved your cultivation?"

Su Yi frowned, and asked in puzzlement, "Why are you asking this?"

Ling Nianyao said: "I heard that you are at the fifth level of the Illusory Spirit Realm, and I have also been promoted to the first level of the Illusory Spirit Realm. The gap between the two of us is getting smaller and smaller. Maybe we will catch up with you soon."

"Are you chasing me?" Su Yi was speechless.

He has reached the third level of the supernatural realm, and has a talent of 27 stars, and he also has a system in hand.

Ling Nianyao still trying to catch up with him?Go dreaming!

"Come on! I wish you catch up with me as soon as possible." Su Yi encouraged.

Ling Nianyao clenched her hands tightly, her eyes were determined, as if she was full of confidence.Then he asked, "Su Yi, what is your cultivation level now?"

"You'd better not know." Su Yi smiled meaningfully.

If she told the truth, Ling Nianyao would definitely be hit hard, right?

Ling Nianyao didn't give up, "Are you still at the fifth level of the Illusory Spirit Realm without making any progress? So I'm sorry to say?"

Su Yi clicked his tongue, "You guessed it!"

"That is to say, there is still a gap of four levels between me and you, and I still have a chance to catch up." Ling Nianyao murmured thoughtfully.

Su Yi didn't want to waste any more time, and reminded: "Hurry up and get the seeds."

"it is good."

Ling Nianyao quickly took out Moonlight City, and said to Su Yi, "I need to enter Moonlight City to get something. Are you waiting here, or go in with me?"

"I'll go in with you." Su Yi replied, and added: "I'm worried that there are too many seeds, and you can't take them by yourself."

This is just an excuse.

Because it was agreed at the time that all the seeds belonged to him.

What if Ling Nianyao is greedy for ink?
So you have to go in together to rest assured.

(End of this chapter)

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