Chapter 1383 Gatling

"Cut!" Ling Nianyao snorted, and said calmly: "Then let's go together."

With the storage bracelet, no matter how many seeds you can get, Su Yi clearly doesn't believe her.

When Su Yi and two entered Moonlight City, they did not appear in the main hall last time, but came to an empty square.

There are only four round buildings similar to yurts on the square, and each building has a gate in front of it.

Su Yi found that the door of the first building was open, and inside was a room of ten square meters, but it was empty.

The doors to the other three buildings are closed.

"Could it be that everything is inside the building?" Su Yi was suspicious.

But at this moment, Ling Nianyao walked to the gate of the second building, stopped for a while, and then stretched out her hand to push.

With a creak, the door slowly opened.

Su Yi glanced intently, but saw that the inside was also a room of ten square meters, and more than 100 seeds of different colors were scattered on the ground, each of which was the size of a brick.

Only in terms of shape, it is exactly the same as the seed of the exploding fruit.

Su Yi was immediately excited, walked forward quickly, and directly collected all these seeds into [Qiankun Ring].

Ling Nianyao stood aside, but didn't say anything.

All the seeds in Moonlight City belong to Su Yi. This is what they discussed before, and she kept her promise.

When Su Yi finished collecting the seeds, Ling Nianyao reminded: "Su Yi, you have already got the seeds, shouldn't you leave?"

Su Yi walked out of the room, without answering immediately, but drifting his gaze to the third building, his eyes revealing a look of deep thought.

There are seeds in the first two tall buildings, so what should be in the last two buildings?
Muran, he said to Ling Nianyao: "Ling Nianyao, can you feel what is in the two buildings behind?"

"The third one is fine, but the fourth one is not." Ling Nianyao said.

Su Yi frowned, and said eagerly: "Quickly feel it, what is in the third building?"

Ling Nianyao said with a smile: "There is a gap in the gate, you can see it yourself."

Whenever the door of the previous building is opened, a gap will be opened in the door of the next building.

The reason why she knew that there were seeds in the second building was through the gap in the gate.

"That's it!" Su Yi came to his senses and lay down on the third gate.

Through the gap, he saw that there was also a not very big room inside. The light in the room was relatively dim, and two tall silver metal puppets could be vaguely seen standing in it.

In addition, in the middle of the two puppets, there is also a blue weapon similar to a machine gun.

Su Yi always felt that this weapon looked familiar. He blinked his eyes and looked at it again for a while. The corners of his mouth slowly opened slightly, and he said in surprise: "Isn't this f---ing Gatling?"

He definitely hasn't seen it in reality, but he has come into contact with it many times while playing games.

Compared with the Gatling in the game, the appearance of Gatling in the room is exactly the same, but it looks bigger and more powerful and domineering!
"Isn't this an artifact? The artifact Gatling?" Su Yi clicked his tongue fiercely.

Things that can be stored in Moonlight City are absolutely extraordinary.

His intuition told him that this blue Gatling must have something to do with it.

"What did you see? Shouting?" Ling Nianyao couldn't help asking.

Su Yi said calmly: "It's nothing, it's a rather special weapon."

(End of this chapter)

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