Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1384 I will help you with all my strength

Chapter 1384 I will help you with all my strength

"Get up, let me take a look too." Ling Nianyao suddenly became interested, and walked up to Su Yi.

"Go aside, I haven't finished watching yet." Su Yi shook Ling Nianyao aside, and then set his eyes on the two puppets.


Ling Nianyao was so angry, but she couldn't help Su Yi, so she could only stare at Su Yi with an angry look to vent her dissatisfaction.

Su Yi looked at it for a while, and his expression suddenly changed.

He found that the two puppets in the room had many similarities with the big iron, especially the flowing lines on their bodies.

"Could it be China Railway and Xiaotie?" Su Yi was excited.

At present, he has obtained three mechanical soldiers, namely the old iron, the big iron and the micro iron.

If there are medium iron and small iron in the room, they can be combined with each other.

Whether it is, however, is not yet certain.

You have to wait until it is taken out and let the big iron and micro iron determine it.

"Su Yi, have you seen enough?" Ling Nianyao became impatient.

Su Yi lay on the door and watched for several minutes, as if it had been frozen.

Su Yi breathed a sigh of relief, left the gate, and turned to Ling Nianyao and asked: "Ling Nianyao, if you want to open the third gate, which level do you need to be promoted to?"

"Level [-] of the Divine Ability Realm." Ling Nianyao said bluntly.

"Practice God Realm!" Su Yi pondered.

Ling Nianyao's talent is too poor, even with his help, it is impossible to advance to the level of the gods in a short time.

If you can't advance to the level of supernatural powers, you can't open the door to get things.

He didn't want to wait for a long time, did he think he could use violence to break open the door?

But the thought was fleeting.

With his current ability, he is certain to break through the door, but it will definitely cause damage to Moonlight City.

In addition, once violence is used, the things in the room may be destroyed, which is not worth the candle.

In this way, the only way to help Ling Nianyao advance to the realm of the gods can go.

Su Yi looked at Ling Nianyao, and said seriously: "In the future, I will do my best to help you advance to the realm of the gods!"

"Ah?" Ling Nianyao was dumbfounded.

Why did Su Yi treat her so well?Just for the things in the room.

"Su Yi, are you serious?" Ling Nianyao probed.

Promoted to the realm of the gods!This is something I didn't even dare to think about before.

Of course, if someone else said this, he would definitely scoff.

But Su Yi is different. Su Yi is a stinky fart, but he does have some abilities and has created miracles more than once.

This is not acceptable.

"Of course it's true." Su Yi nodded, and pointed to the third door, "I won't help you in vain, the things in the third room belong to me."

"Deal!" Ling Nianyao readily agreed.

Even if the third room is full of treasures, it is nothing compared to the improvement of cultivation.

"Okay, let's leave." Su Yi reminded.


Ling Nianyao reached out and swiped in mid-air.

The next moment, a door of light appeared in front of her.

Then, she and Su Yi walked into the Light Gate and were teleported out of Moonlight City.

As soon as the two landed on the ground, Ling Nianyao couldn't wait to say: "Su Yi, don't you want to study the use of those seeds?"

Although the seeds belonged to Su Yi, she was still very curious about what these seeds were for.

"Okay." Su Yi nodded slightly, opened the [Qiankun Ring] and began to choose.

(End of this chapter)

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