Chapter 1398 Is It Surprising?
what's the situation?
Su Yi froze for a moment.

You must know that after the digging ability is promoted to the fourth level, the ability is similar to that of a mountain-breaking shovel. It can even penetrate hard rocks, so why can't it dig the ground?

Su Yi glanced at the ground subconsciously, and soon discovered the clue.

It turned out that the buried agricultural bank was paved with a layer of bluestone, and all under the bluestone was thick metal.

The digging ability can pierce through rocks, but at this stage, it can't do anything to metal.

From this point of view, the other party knew his abilities like the back of their hands, and that's why they laid metal in the room.

The purpose is very simple, that is to completely trap him in the room.

"Do you think I only have this ability?" Su Yi couldn't help but sneered.

He only uses his digging ability to save trouble.

With his current strength, he can completely break the door with force.

The other party wanted to trap him with a room, which was tantamount to wishful thinking.

Just when Su Yi was about to make a move, [Smart Chariot] reminded anxiously: "Su Yi, the other party is setting up a teleportation formation, and it's almost done, and it's likely to be summoning people!"

Su Yi's heart trembled.

At this moment, he also understood that the opponent's trapping him in the room was just a tactic to delay the attack, and the real purpose was to arrange formations and find helpers.

And once the opponent summons a martial artist who is above the sixth level of the divine power, he will be in danger.

Su Yi didn't hesitate anymore, he raised his hand and hit the [Storm Hammer] on the door.

With a loud bang, the entire door was torn apart.

However, there is still a formation hidden in the interlayer of the door, above which a water curtain like waves ripples, blocking all the strength of [Storm Hammer].

Su Yi snorted coldly, then took out the sword of chaos, injected the power of the law of chaos, and raised his hand with a sword.

A click.

The formation water curtain was like paper, with a long and narrow gap opening from the middle hole, and a crack appeared around the gap, and it was about to burst completely.

Su Yi didn't wait any longer, and rushed out with a stride.

Su Yi jumped out headlong, and the powerful impact knocked down the entire wall.

"Come out so soon?" Bai Tao's eyelids twitched violently when he saw this scene.

Originally, he thought that this room could trap Su Yi for at least one minute. In this case, enough strong men could be summoned to surround and kill Su Yi.

Unexpectedly, Su Yi's strength was far beyond imagination, and he rushed out of the room in an instant.

However, he was soon relieved.

Because two helpers have already stepped out of the formation.

One of them was a particularly burly, savage-like ugly man.Judging from his aura, he was clearly a fourth-level martial artist of the Divine Ability Realm.

The other is a strange beast that is shimmering with psychedelic colors and can't see clearly. Its cultivation has reached the third level of the psychic realm.

With this man and beast present, it would not be a problem to suppress Su Yi.

What's more, there will be people coming from the formation, so there is no need to be afraid of anything.

On the other side, Su Yi used [Mirror Clone] as soon as he rushed out.

After the main body became invisible, he quietly came to the vicinity of the formation, and shattered the formation with a punch.

As long as the formation is broken, the opponent cannot continue to summon helpers.And with his strength, he wouldn't have any problems dealing with Bai Tao and the strange beast.


It was only when the formation shattered that Bai Tao and the ugly man came to their senses.

When they saw that it was Su Yi who broke the formation, they were extremely surprised.

Two Suyi?

In the end what happened?
Su Yi put away his avatar, took a look at the other party, and smiled, "Is it surprising?"

Bai Tao's face suddenly became ugly.

If the formation is destroyed, you can't continue to summon people, and it becomes very difficult to kill Su Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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