Chapter 1399

The corner of the ugly man's mouth twitched, and he said disdainfully: "Su Yi, so what if you broke the formation? As long as I'm here, you will still die."

"Hehe." Su Yi smiled contemptuously, ignored the other party, turned to look at Bai Tao, and said coldly, "You are not Bai Tao, are you?"

He has no intersection with the Bai family, let alone any enmity.

Then why did the other party deliberately put him to death?This doesn't make sense at all.

Therefore, he suspected that Bai Tao was faked by someone else.

Most of the people who have enemies with him in Blue Star are Shadow Killers and Jin Yanzong.

"Su Yi, you are really smart." Bai Tao calmed down, smiled sullenly, and then stretched out his hand to tear his face.

The next moment, the handsome face instantly turned into a ferocious face full of flesh.

The cultivation base of the fifth level of Soul Gathering Realm has also soared to the first level of Divine Ability Realm at this moment.

"My name is Shen Biao, and my elder brother is Shen Lang. Do you know why I wanted to kill you now?" Shen Biao's face became more and more ferocious.

"You are really tough!" Su Yi snorted softly.

A few days ago, under his plan, Shen Lang and the two members of the Shadow Killing Sect were all killed.

Since Shen Biao is Shen Lang's younger brother, it is understandable to seek revenge on him.

However, he originally wanted to catch the other party all at once, but the other party actually came to his door on his own initiative, which saved a lot of trouble.

"I'll give you a chance to kill me." Su Yi smiled, turned to look at the ugly man, and said calmly, "Ugly, are you a half-orc?"

When he went to Venus City, he killed many half-orcs.

The disgusting appearance of the half-orc left a deep impression on him, and he recognized it at a glance.

"Su Yi, I let you run away last time, this time you won't be able to fly even with wings!" There was a cruel smile on the half-orc man's face.


Su Yi froze for a moment, hearing the tone of the other party as if he had seen it before, but he didn't have the impression.

At this time, [Smart Chariot] reminded: "Su Yi, have you forgotten? When we blew up the boundary channel, a half-orc on the other side scolded us."

Su Yi Muran thought that there is indeed such a thing.

At that time, the half-orc man was furiously scolded by [Smart Chariot], and almost died of anger.

However, he remembered clearly that the half-orc seemed to be in the Illusory Spiritual Realm, how did he become in the Divine Ability Realm?

"No. 2, how did he get promoted so quickly?" Su Yi asked strangely.

In less than half a year, they have been promoted to so many levels in a row. Are half-orcs so powerful?
[Smart Chariot] said indifferently: "Who knows, maybe it's just luck?"

Su Yi was no longer entangled in this aspect, after all, he was just a half-orc with a fourth level of spiritual power, and he could handle it as he wanted.

"Su Yi, you killed hundreds of people from my clan, and destroyed the boundary channel, you will be crushed today!" The half-beast clansman roared, and Muran manifested a concrete object.

His figurative object is a huge golden bow and arrow. From the appearance point of view, it has many similarities with the five-color cracking arrow.

When Su Yi was in the mainland of the Green Turtle Clan, he saw a demon who used this form of figurative object.

However, that demon is a warrior with two souls, who has condensed two concrete objects, a bow and an arrow.

But half-orcs have only one soul, and what's the point of condensing only a bow?
Su Yi couldn't figure it out, but he didn't think too much about it. Instead, he opened the [Langya Ring] and summoned Xiaojian and Heiyang Rift Valley Mouse.

(End of this chapter)

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