Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1400 Five-Color Splitting Arrow

Chapter 1400

"Little bitch, mouse, you two deal with each other, remember to live!" Su Yi gave an order.

The strange beast was kept to extract its ability, and Shen Biao's life was kept for interrogation.


The Heiyang Rift Rat frantically pounced on the strange beast.

Xiaojian was more pretentious, and at this time there was a playful look on the corner of his mouth, and he slowly approached Shen Biao.

Shen Biao is just a first-level martial artist in the supernatural realm, and he is like a prey in his eyes.

"My lord, help me!" Shen Biao shouted for help to the half-orc with a frightened expression on his face.

Facing a sword spirit with a second level of supernatural power, he would not be an opponent at all.

If the half-orc didn't come to his rescue, all that awaited him was death.

The half-orcs next to him ignored him, and his only target was Su Yi.

As long as he can kill Su Yi and complete the task, it will be a great achievement.Shen Biao's life and death did not concern him at all.

Muran, he opened the storage bag.

Immediately, a colorful arrow flew out of it and landed on the golden longbow figurative object.

This arrow is more than three meters long, and five spiritual energy fluctuations of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth exude from it, which are extremely strong and give people a feeling of palpitation.


When he saw this arrow, Su Yi felt a familiar feeling inexplicably.

[Smart chariot] suddenly shouted: "Su Yi, this is a five-color splitting arrow, be careful!"

"Five-color splitting arrow!" Su Yi suddenly became excited.

At that time in the Yongxi Sea, he snatched a five-color splitting bow from the summoning formation of the Hai people.

Since then, I have been inquiring about the whereabouts of the five-color splitting arrow, but I have never heard of it. I never expected to see it here.

As long as he snatched it over, he could combine it with the five-color splitting bow, and his strength would definitely soar again.

Of course, the five-color splitting arrow is an innate magic weapon, and its power is unparalleled.

If you want to get it, you must first block the opponent's arrow.

"Su Yi, you can die!" Suddenly, the half-orc sneered.

But he saw that the golden longbow above his head was suddenly full, and the five-color splitting arrows also hit the arrow string.


When it reached a saturated state, the five-color splitting arrows swished out from the golden longbow, aiming at Su Yi.

During the flying of the five-color splitting arrow, it spun violently, and a huge vortex appeared around the arrow body, tearing the air apart.

Seeing this scene, Su Yi's heart trembled, and he raised his hand and hit [Storm Hammer].

The huge hammer shadow formed by the interweaving of strength rushed upwards, and instantly collided with the five-color splitting arrow.

With just one touch, it was easily torn apart.

The five-color split-air arrow continued to drive straight towards Su Yi without stopping.

Su Yi originally planned to avoid it, but found that the five-color splitting arrow seemed to contain some kind of ability, which could hold him firmly.

Let him have an illusion that even if he escapes to the ends of the earth, he will be caught up.

Since you can't hide, you can only fight hard!
Su Yi gritted his teeth and took out the [Five Elements Eternal Shield].

After pouring five-element aura into it, [Five-Element Eternal Shield] instantly swelled to several feet in size.

Also at this moment, the five-color splitting arrow hit the [Five Elements Eternal Shield] heavily, and there was a violent sound of Jin Ge's clashing.

The next moment, [Five Elements Eternal Shield] began to tremble, and the colorful light on it collapsed.

After holding on for less than two breaths, he was knocked out.

(End of this chapter)

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