Chapter 1401 One Arrow Explodes

[Five Elements Eternal Shield] is an acquired weapon. In terms of quality, it is definitely not as powerful as the innate magic weapon like the five-color splitting arrow.

It is also reasonable to be hit and fly.

Fortunately, it was resisted for a while, and part of the power of the five-color splitting arrow was consumed, which also gave Su Yi time to prepare.

But he saw that Su Yi released the air of chaos wrapped around his hands, and suddenly grabbed the five-color cracking arrow.

Da da da!
When Su Yi grasped the handle of the five-color split arrow with both hands, a violent force swept over him, causing him to back up non-stop.

At the same time, a multicolored light shot out from the body of the arrow, which turned into sharp arrows, and they all shot towards Su Yi.

Su Yi snorted coldly, and a layer of colorful light suddenly appeared on his body, smashing all the sharp arrows that hit him.


When Su Yi took a dozen steps back, his feet exerted force suddenly, and the ground under his feet shattered.


The five-color splitting arrow seemed very unwilling, the entire body of the arrow trembled violently, as if it still wanted to attack.

However, under the restraint of Su Yi's strength of [-] kilograms, he fluttered for a while and then gradually stopped.


Witnessing this scene, the half-orcs were stunned.

Is there anyone in this world who can block the berserk blow of the five-color splitting arrow with both hands?
How terrifying strength does this require?

Realizing that Su Yi is an extremely strong man, the half-orc's heart beat violently.

His biggest reliance is the five-color splitting arrow, how can he fight Su Yi if he loses this trump card?

"We must escape!" The half-orc made a quick decision, turned around and flew backwards.

He couldn't care less about Shen Biao and that strange beast at all.

Because Shen Biao had been pressed to the ground and rubbed against him, completely losing his ability to resist.

The strange beast was also entangled and could not escape.

If you want to save them, you have to confess here.

"Draft Master!"

Shen Biao, who was lying on the ground and beaten violently, saw the half-orcs leaving, with despair in his eyes, and cursed angrily.

"Su Yi, are you going to let the half-orcs go?" [Smart Chariot] said strangely.

"He can't escape!" There was a cruel smile on the corner of Su Yi's mouth.

Originally, with his flying speed, he could completely prevent the half-orcs from escaping.

But just as he was doing it, he thought of a better way.

Ever since I got the five-color split bow, I haven't verified its power, and now is the opportunity.

Muran, Su Yi took out the five-color split-empty bow.

The moment it appeared, the five-color splitting arrow became restless again.

But unlike before, this time there was a sense of joy and excitement.

At the same time, the five-color split bow also resonated, buzzing and trembling.

With a thought in his heart, Su Yi bent his bow and set an arrow, aiming at the figure of the orc who was about to disappear, and shot an arrow.

Although he had just obtained the five-color split-air arrow, because of the existence of the five-color split-air bow, he had a very strong feeling that the five-color split-air arrow would definitely obey his orders.

That's why he shot the arrow.

With a whoosh, the five-color splitting arrow pierced the sky, and quickly chased the half-orcs.

At the same time as the arrow was shot, the wind and clouds surged, the sky and the earth changed color, and the void along the way was torn apart.

In terms of power, it is more than twice as powerful as the arrow shot by the half-orc.

The next moment, there was a loud explosion in the distant sky, like fireworks blooming.

But he saw that half-orc man was shot in the air by five-color splitting arrows.

(End of this chapter)

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