Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1410 Gives You a Chance to Show

Chapter 1410 Give You a Chance to Show
Su Yi thought for a while and said, "Ask Lao Jing, he should have a solution."

The barbarians lived in the forbidden area of ​​death for an unknown number of years, almost isolated from the outside world.

Being able to survive depends entirely on self-sufficiency, and they should have a way to extract salt.

As for other condiments, they are not necessary, and I will find a way to get them slowly in the future.

"Got it." Huo Tiancheng nodded in response.

"Su Yi, let's go back first. When your spiritual pet comes back, let us have a look." Cao Qinglang said meaningfully.

"Okay." Su Yi smiled lightly.

Later, Cao Qinglang and the three left the stone house.

When they walked 50 meters away, Su Yi opened the [Langya Ring] and summoned the shadowless Phantom Beast, and said to him: "Little idiot, don't you want to show off? I'll give you a chance."

The Wuying Phantom Beast's eyes lit up, and it promised firmly: "Master, don't worry, I will definitely complete the task!"

After completing the task, you can change the name.

He was always thinking about changing his name to a better one.

Su Yi walked out of the stone house with the shadowless Phantom Beast, pointed at Cao Qinglang from a distance and said, "Become that fat man, and then go over and teach the guy on his right."

The three of Cao Qinglang left side by side, with Cao Qinglang standing in the middle, Zhang Canyang on his left, and Huo Tiancheng on his right.

Su Yi's target is Huo Tiancheng.

The shadowless Phantom Beast asked: "Master, what is the teaching method? Is it breaking the bones?"

Su Yi hurriedly said: "They are all my friends, just tease them a little bit, kick them and it's over."


The Shadowless Phantom Beast nodded, and rushed out with a whoosh.

The distance of more than 50 meters is almost the blink of an eye for a strange beast with a third level of spiritual power.

When he got close to him, he glanced at Cao Qinglang, and his figure was filled with a layer of brilliance.

The next moment, she became another Cao Qinglang.

Huo Tiancheng, who was walking, seemed to feel that there was an extra person on the right, so he turned his head and looked to the right.

In the line of sight, I saw Cao Qinglang grinning, and the smile was full of teasing.

"Huh?" Huo Tiancheng was a little confused.

Isn't Cao Qinglang on her left?When did you run to the right?

Huo Tiancheng immediately noticed the clue, the Cao Qinglang in front of him didn't wear glasses, isn't this the guy who sneaked up on him before?
Realizing this, Huo Tiancheng wanted to remind him loudly, but he didn't say a word. A big foot fell from the sky and landed on his chest accurately.

Although the kick didn't exert much force, it still kicked him to the ground.

"I rely on!"

When Cao Qinglang saw a person exactly like herself, she was shocked on the spot.

"It's really Cao Qinglang!" Zhang Canyang was equally stunned.

The two Cao Qinglang at the scene were carved out of the same mold in terms of appearance and body shape.

The only difference is that one wears glasses and the other doesn't.

After the Shadowless Phantom Beast kicked it, it accepted as soon as it was good, and retreated decisively when Cao Qinglang and Zhang Canyang didn't react.

"Hurry up!" Huo Tiancheng roared angrily.

After being kicked twice in succession, his lungs were about to explode.


Cao Qinglang and Zhang Canyang regained their composure, and quickly chased after the shadowless Phantom Beast.

(End of this chapter)

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