Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1411 Eliminate Uncivilized Behavior

Chapter 1411 Eliminate Uncivilized Behavior

When the Shadowless Phantom Beast ran to the stone house, Su Yi happened to come out of it and stopped it.

Since he wanted to get rid of the suspicion, he had to come forward in person.

Cao Qinglang and Zhang Canyang also chased after him at this time.

When they saw Su Yi standing side by side with the other Cao Qinglang, their mouths were all open.

"Su Yi, is this your spiritual pet?" Zhang Canyang regained his composure and asked.

"Yeah." Su Yi nodded slightly, and then said to the shadowless phantom: "Little silly, change back to your real body."

He had promised the Shadowless Phantom Beast before that he would change his name as long as he completed the task.

Xiaosha is the new name.

"Little fool?" The Shadowless Phantom Beast was stunned for a moment, and when it came to its senses, it was suddenly ecstatic.

Although the name Xiaosha is not very good, it is much better than Xiaosha.

If you continue to perform in the future, maybe you can change to a better one.

In a flash of light, the Shadowless Phantom instantly turned into a little black monkey more than one meter tall.

"Monkey again?" Cao Qinglang and Zhang Canyang were surprised.

The figure of Wukong involuntarily appeared in his mind.

Are the monkeys all mature now?

Not only can he fight landlords, but he can also change his body shape, which is really evil!
"Su Yi, your spiritual pet is too hateful, you beat me twice in a row, you must give me an explanation." At this time, Huo Tiancheng ran over angrily, yelling loudly.

"Confession?" The corner of Su Yi's mouth twitched, and he said meaningfully: "Why don't you beat him up and vent your anger?"

"Okay!" Huo Tiancheng rolled up his sleeves excitedly, looking eager to try.

Su Yi reminded with a smile: "Xiaosha is a strange beast of the third level of supernatural power, are you sure you want to do it?"


Cao Qinglang and Zhang Canyang were shocked.

This humble monkey in front of him is stronger than Wukong?

"Psychic Realm?" Huo Tiancheng swallowed, and suddenly froze.

He is just a body-hardening-level martial artist, and he will fight with supernatural beasts unless he is tired of life.

However, he still said unwillingly, "Su Yi, I can't be beaten for nothing, can I?"

"I really need to give you an explanation." Su Yi muttered thoughtfully, and then said: "However, Xiaosha will not hit you for no reason. There must be a reason. Let's figure it out first."

"The reason?" Huo Tiancheng was very disdainful.

What else could be the reason?
Su Yi clearly wanted to confuse right and wrong and cover up the monkey.

However, in front of Su Yi, he had no right to speak, so he could only wait for Su Yi to speak.

Su Yi cleared his throat, pretended to be angry and said: "Little silly, don't you know that Lao Huo is my friend? Why did you sneak attack him?"

When the Shadowless Phantom Beast was a little confused, Su Yi blinked at him.

In an instant, his brain circuit started to work.

Su Yi obviously wanted him to find an excuse to fool him, and he was quite experienced in this area.

"The reason for beating him is to put an end to his uncivilized behavior!" The Shadowless Phantom Beast said sharply.

"Why am I uncivilized?" Huo Tiancheng roared at the top of his voice.

The Shadowless Phantom Beast snorted coldly: "You defecate everywhere!"

In fact, he didn't know if Huo Tiancheng had done it, it was pure nonsense.


The three of Su Yi looked at Huo Tiancheng together, their eyes were very strange.

The rear base is their home, how can they defecate anywhere?
This kind of behavior is disgusting and should really be educated.

Of course, you can't just listen to one side of the shadowless phantom beast.

It remains to be seen whether Huo Tiancheng did such a thing.

(End of this chapter)

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