Chapter 1419
Before the Feiyu clansman could react, Su Yiyang waved a golden light curtain, covering him instantly.

This golden light curtain is transformed by the power of time, possessing the will to restrain and sleep.

The Feiyu clansman fell into a coma without any resistance.

Su Yi rushed up with a stride, grabbed the Feiyu tribe by the neck, and entered the seabed along the tunnel.

At this time, the [Smart Chariot] re-transforms into a submarine form.

Su Yi carried the Feiyu people into it, and started the interrogation immediately.

The interrogation method was as simple as before, just remove the other party's limbs and let Meng E control it.

After 10 minutes of inquiry, the information I got was very comprehensive.

The specific locations of Liguang Island and Araki Island are known, and the number and level of the guards are also fully grasped.

In addition, I also learned that the location of the endless abyss is also located on Dayuan Island.

The purpose of coming to Feiyu Clan Continent this time is not just to save people, but also to take the opportunity to get the Emerald Star Grass.

Emerald Star Grass is the main material for refining the Extraction Pill, and the Extraction Pill is a pill that can improve the cultivation level of the Illusory Spiritual Realm warriors.

If you want to help Ling Nianyao quickly advance to the realm of the gods, you must get the Emerald Star Grass.

In addition, I also got a very important news by accident.

The Feiyu tribe discovered a spirit crystal mine on Tailin Island, and it was a very high-quality ore, and many top-quality spirit crystals had been mined from it.

The ultimate spiritual crystal is too important to Su Yi, whether it is cultivation, ripening spiritual plants, awakening [mechanical soldiers], or [smart chariot] to travel through the realm.

Therefore, he is determined to win this spirit crystal mine.

However, it is not an easy task to grab it.

A large number of Feiyu clansmen stationed on Tailin Island, including a Feiyu clansman at the sixth level of the divine realm.

If you want to get it, you must fight a battle.

Of course, with Su Yi's current strength, it wouldn't be difficult to kill a sixth-level warrior of the Divine Ability Realm.

The key point is that once you make a move, your whereabouts will be exposed, and it may even attract the pursuit of the real spirit realm.

Another point is that it is impossible to delay the rescue of the dwarf princes and their clansmen, as well as the search for the Emerald Star Grass.

Therefore, even if you want to do it, you must have a good plan.

What to do first, what to do later, this order can not be messed up.Otherwise, if you are not careful, you may lose everything.

Later, Su Yi finished dealing with the bodies of the Feiyu tribe and fell into deep thought.

[Smart Chariot] Knowing that Su Yi was thinking about something, he didn't say a word wisely, for fear of disturbing Su Yi and causing scolding.

Half an hour later, Su Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and finally thought of a pretty good idea.

First of all, he intends to rescue the dwarf prince and the rest of the dwarves first.

Because the two islands are relatively close to each other, and there are no particularly powerful guards, the rescue is not difficult.

After completing these two tasks, go to Tailin Island to snatch the spirit crystal ore.

The reason for this choice is that Tailin Island is not far from Araki Island.

Second, as long as you grab the spirit crystal mine and get the best spirit crystal, the [smart chariot] can travel freely, and there will be no worries.

Even if you are hunted down by a strong man, you can shuttle back to Blue Star at worst, and wait for an opportunity to shuttle back again.

After planning all this, Su Yi ordered: "On the 2nd, let's go to Liguang Island first."

(End of this chapter)

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