Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1420 Interrogation Again

Chapter 1420 Interrogation Again
Liguang Island is located in the northeast direction, tens of thousands of kilometers away, passing through three islands.

All these news came from the interrogation of the Feiyu tribe.

Although the distance is relatively long, it doesn't take long at the flying speed of the [Smart Chariot].

However, in order to ensure the secrecy of this trip, Su Yi still let the [Smart Chariot] sneak under the sea.

In the following time, under the guidance of Su Yi, [Smart Chariot] sneaked in one direction.

Half an hour later, we crossed the first island.After passing through two more, you will arrive at Liguang Island.

It can be said that the initial stage was relatively smooth.

But Su Yi discovered a strange thing. He didn't even meet a sea monster on the way.

Could it be that sea monsters don't exist in the waters of the Feiyu Clan continent?

Su Yi thought for a while, and asked [Smart Chariot]: "No. 2, check to see if there are sea monsters nearby?"

"I checked it before, and there isn't one." [Smart Chariot] replied immediately.

Su Yi felt a little weird, and couldn't figure out what was going on for a while, so he simply stopped thinking about it.

[Smart Chariot] Continued to sneak for two hours, passed through two islands, and finally arrived at Liguang Island.

According to the rules, Su Yi first asked [Smart Chariot] to explore Liguang Island.

After 1 minute, the [Smart Chariot] finished its investigation and replied, "Su Yi, no dwarves were found on this island."

"What?" Su Yi was stunned.

It was known from Guan Yu and the Feiyu tribe that the prince of the dwarves was indeed imprisoned on Liguang Island.

Why is there no one there?
Could it be that this island is not Liguang Island?
Su Yi pondered for a while, and asked again: "No. 2, are there any other islands nearby?"

"No." [Smart Chariot] affirmed.

Hearing this, Su Yi frowned.

Because it was the Feiyu clansman who was interrogated by Meng'e, so the news he got must not be wrong.

Also, there is nothing wrong with the direction of travel.

Since there are no other islands nearby, the one in front of me must be Liguang Island without a doubt.

Su Yi had some doubts, had the dwarf prince been transferred away?
But whether this is the case, he is not sure, he must catch a living person and ask.

Su Yi asked: "No. 2, what level is the strongest person on the island?"

"It's a first-level martial artist in the supernatural realm." [Smart Chariot] replied immediately.

"Go to this island and arrest this Feiyu clansman." Su Yi gave the order.

When the [Smart Chariot] sneaked under the island, Su Yi still adopted the previous strategy, the Black Sun Rift Rat made a hole, and then he launched a sneak attack.

The members of the Flying Feather Tribe in the first level of the psychic realm on the island were also in a separate room.

Unlike the previous member of the Feiyu clan, this guy was more disciplined and didn't do anything shameful in broad daylight.

At this time, he was practicing cross-legged on the bed.

However, since he was targeted by Su Yi, his fate can be imagined.

Ten minutes later, Su Yi rushed into the room and captured the Feiyu clansman effortlessly.

After that, there is the interrogation work.

Before that, it was still the old rule to remove the other party's limbs and let Meng E control them.

When everything was ready, Su Yi faced the Feiyu clansman and asked, "Is this island Liguang Island?"

"Yes." The Feiyu tribe nodded dully.

Su Yi continued to ask: "Didn't you imprison the dwarf prince before? Where did he go?"

(End of this chapter)

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