Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1432 Entering the Endless Abyss

Chapter 1432 Entering the Endless Abyss
"No. 2, hurry up and go there." Su Yi ordered.

[Smart chariot] Sneaked towards the island quickly, and when he reached the island, Su Yi jumped onto the island.

[Smart chariot] became the size of a palm and flew into Su Yi's pocket.

Su Yi didn't stop, and under the guidance of the [Smart Chariot], he arrived at the foot of a mountain. On the side of the mountain, there was a hole about the size of Zhang Xu, and there was a diagonally downward passage in it. where to.

Su Yi walked to the entrance of the cave, glanced intently, then turned to the [Smart Chariot] and asked: "No. 2, how far is the other party from us?"

Without absolute certainty, he would not choose to do it, but planned to follow the other party.

If the distance is too close, it is easy to be exposed.

"More than one kilometer." [Smart Chariot] replied immediately.

"Then there's no problem." Su Yi nodded slightly, and walked out of the cave.

Behind, walk down the passage all the way.After walking about three kilometers, the front suddenly became clear.

A huge cave stood in front of it. Crystal-like crystals hung upside down on the rock wall of the cave, exuding a bright luster, making the whole cave very bright.

Su Yi stepped into the cave, glanced at him, and then asked, "Number 2, where did the other party go?"

[Smart Chariot] said: "There is a crack not far ahead, and they have all entered the crack."

Su Yi walked forward quickly for 50 meters, and he saw a crack about several hundred meters long and ten meters wide.

It was pitch black inside the crack, and there would be gusts of wind from time to time, giving people a creepy feeling.

When Su Yi saw this crack, he couldn't help but think of the one in Yuankong Ancient Realm.

At that time, there was a soul worm hidden in that crack, and even ambushed him.

Could there be soul worms hidden in this crack?
Su Yi didn't care too much. With his current strength, even if he encountered a hundred or a thousand soul worms, he didn't need to worry at all.

The next moment, he jumped into the crack and slowly fell down.

The crack seemed endless. Su Yi floated downward for more than ten minutes, but still did not touch the ground.

"Is it that deep?" Su Yi muttered, and couldn't help asking: "No. 2, how long will it take to reach the ground?"

"It's coming soon, it's only 2000 meters away." [Smart Chariot] said.

"2000 meters?" Su Yi clicked his tongue and fell silently.

When descending 1000 meters, [Smart Chariot] suddenly said: "Su Yi, hurry up and stop."

"What's wrong?" Su Yi asked puzzled after he stopped.

[Smart Chariot] explained: "There is a large group of soul worms below, and there is a third-level soul worm among them. The Night Demon tribe has already encountered them and is fighting them."

"There really are soul worms." Su Yi was quite surprised.

Before, he was just a little skeptical, but he never thought it would come true.

Soon, the sound of fierce fighting came from below.

The number of soul worms is quite a lot, but in front of two warriors of the seventh level of the supernatural realm, they are simply vulnerable.

The fight lasted less than 3 minutes and ended.

When the surroundings returned to calm, [Smart Chariot] said: "Su Yi, go down."

Su Yi fell straight down.

After the feet landed on the ground, there was another hole in front of him, and there was still a passage in the hole.

However, compared to the one above, the one in front of me is obviously much shorter.

Because looking forward along the passage, you can faintly see the light at the end.

(End of this chapter)

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