Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1433 Yanling Mountain Peak

Chapter 1433 Yanling Mountain Peak
Su Yi glanced at it and walked straight into it.

After walking a hundred and ten meters away, he had already walked out of the passage.

Outside the passage is a small cave, with hundreds of shiny stones inlaid on the surrounding stone walls, setting off the entire cave as if it were daytime.

In addition, on a stone wall of the cave, there are two stone gates, on which there is a faint light curtain, as if a formation has been arranged.

Su Yi took a look, then turned to the [Smart Chariot] and asked: "No. 2, which stone gate did they enter?"

"Right side." [Smart Chariot] replied, and then reminded: "Su Yi, there is a teleportation gate on the stone gate, and the other party has been teleported away."

"The portal?" Su Yi muttered, not rushing into the stone gate.

Because being teleported to an unfamiliar environment, you must first stay in place and observe for a period of time.

If you enter the Shimen at this time, you may encounter the other party.

Su Yi stood on the spot and waited for more than ten minutes. When he felt that it was almost the same, he stepped into the stone gate on the right.

The next moment, he felt the world spinning in front of him.

However, it lasted less than three seconds, and both feet landed on the ground, and the scene in front of him gradually became clear.

Su Yi rubbed his eyes and looked around, only to find that he was in a desolate world.

As far as I can see, the surrounding area is completely dry land, and I can't even see a shadow of a plant.

In addition, a towering mountain stands in the distance, which is a thousand meters high, giving people a very shocking feeling.

"No. 2, check the surrounding situation." Su Yi looked back and ordered.

"Su Yi, my detection function has failed." [Smart Chariot] sighed, and explained: "This place is similar to a disc maze. There is a mysterious power that can block my detection function."

Hearing this, Su Yi frowned slightly.

【Smart Chariot】Without the detection function, how can you track the Night Demons?

But at this moment, the sound of fighting could be heard faintly in the distance.The direction of the sound source is exactly where the mountain peak is located.

"Could it be that the people of the night demon clan met the creatures here?" Su Yi's heart moved, and he quickly ran towards the mountain peak.

After galloping for several kilometers, when the distance from the mountain peak was less than 500 meters, a very shocking picture appeared in front of him.

I saw huge boulders continuously rolling down from that mountain peak. After the boulders hit the ground, they quickly turned into tall yellow giant apes, and then rushed towards the four night demons ferociously.

Due to the large number of yellow giant apes, it was like a yellow ocean, almost drowning the four Night Demons.

Seeing this, Su Yi couldn't help but clicked his tongue, "No. 2, these yellow giant apes are rock spirits, right?"

"All of them." [Smart Chariot] affirmed.

"Hiss!" Su Yi took a deep breath, and his gaze fell on the mountain again.

Those rock spirits are all formed by the stones that fell off from this mountain. Could it be that this mountain has already produced spiritual wisdom and become a spirit?
Otherwise, it would be impossible to create so many rock spirits.

Thinking of this, Su Yi's heart beat violently.

In terms of the size of this mountain, at least hundreds of thousands of rock spirits of the same size can be produced, and these rock spirits all have the strength of the first level of the Illusory Spirit Realm.

Hundreds of thousands of rock spirits in the Illusory Spiritual Realm, what a terrifying strength, enough to crush any opponent.

Except for the True Spirit Realm, I am afraid that even the tenth level of the Divine Realm will be unstoppable.

(End of this chapter)

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