Chapter 1435 This is Wisdom
Su Yi pondered for a moment, then started digging towards the soles of his feet.

After digging down five meters, he began to dig towards the mountain peak.

There are rock spirits outside the mountain, and he will not fight foolishly with them.

By opening a tunnel, you can sneak into the mountain without anyone noticing.

The digging ability has been promoted to the fourth level, and the speed of digging has increased a lot again. It doesn't take long to cover a distance of more than 500 meters.

Su Yi dug for a while, estimated that he had reached the bottom of the mountain, and then turned to dig upwards.

clack clack.
Accompanied by the sound of a piece of rock shattering, a gap suddenly opened above.


After Su Yi rushed out of the tunnel, he found that he was in a stone cave surrounded by densely packed tall stone pillars, like a stone forest.

Since the [Smart Chariot] has lost the ability to detect, if you want to find the whereabouts of the rock spirit crystal, you can only rely on yourself.

Su Yi found the thickest stone pillar and quickly climbed up.

Standing tall and seeing far, this sentence is still very reasonable.

Su Yi stood on the stone pillar and stared at it, and soon found a hole in a stone wall. The hole was covered with a layer of water curtain, with a little bit of starlight shining, which should be a layer of restraint.

This layer of formation has the ability to shield from prying eyes, and the naked eye cannot see the things inside the cave.

However, this did not bother Su Yi.

[Eye of Illusion] Activate, when the gaze falls on the entrance of the cave, you can have a panoramic view of everything in the entrance of the cave.

In a corner of the cave, there stood a little boy more than half a meter tall, wrapped in a layer of golden rocks, looking like a little golden man.

At this time, the little boy looked averted and seemed to be very frightened.

In addition, in front of him stood four tall giant apes, all of which were made of stone.

The difference from the giant apes outside is that they present a red color, which seems to be more powerful and domineering.

"Could this be the Rock Spirit Zhenjing and his guards?" Su Yi muttered, and then told [Smart Chariot] what he saw.

Whether it is the same as guessed or not needs to be confirmed by 【Smart Chariot】.

"That's right, it is the true crystal of the rock spirit and the guardian rock spirit." [Smart Chariot] affirmed, and then reminded: "Judging from the color of the rock spirit, it should have the strength of the sixth level of the spiritual realm. In addition, the cave entrance The formation above is called Manxing Water Curtain Formation, and its defense is extremely strong, and it is very difficult to break it by ordinary means."

Hearing this, Su Yi fell into deep thought.

He didn't pay much attention to the starry water curtain array. If you use a chaotic figurative object, you should be able to split it.

The key is that the four guard rock spirits are not easy to deal with.

Yan Ling's power is infinite, and his defense is extremely strong, even more durable than warriors of the same level, and he can't kill them in a short time.

And once the delay is too long, the Night Demons might come in.

So, now is definitely not the time to do it.

Su Yi pondered for a moment, then slowly slid down from the stone pillar, and then found a hidden place to hide.

"Su Yi, what are your plans?" [Smart Chariot] asked.

Su Yi sneered and said, "Let the night demons and the four rock spirits consume a wave first, and I'll go out to harvest when it's about the same time."

"You are still insidious!" [Smart Chariot] exclaimed.

Su Yi corrected: "This is wisdom!"

Later, he waited patiently.

Within a few minutes, there was a loud bang in the distance, followed by the sound of gravel falling to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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