Chapter 1436 Waiting
Su Yi could imagine that the Night Demons must have opened a tunnel on the mountain and rushed in.

Sure enough, the next moment came the sound of fierce fighting.

Su Yi stood up and looked in the direction of the sound. Two Night Demons, a dwarf and a Feiyu, appeared in his sight.


When he saw the dwarf, Su Yi couldn't help but let out a little gasp.

This dwarf must be Yuan Zimo. Originally, he thought that Yuan Zimo should also be an old man. He never thought that he was surprisingly young, and he seemed to be in his 20s.

Moreover, unlike the ugly faces of other dwarves, Yuan Zimo was very handsome, with a nose and eyes.

For a while, he wondered if Yuan Zimo was a purebred dwarf?
"Could it be because the royal blood of the dwarves is special?" Su Yi had this guess.

At this time, the other party discussed for a while, and the Ye Mo tribe and Feiyu tribe, who were at the seventh level of the psychic realm, took Yuan Zimo to the cave where the true crystal of the rock spirit was.

The remaining night demon clansman who was in the third level of the psychic state stayed where he was, resisting the impact of the rock spirit.

When Su Yi saw this night demon clansman who was in the third level of supernatural power, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

However, he was not in a hurry to get it, but turned around and looked at Yuan Zimo and the others.

At this time, Yuan Zimo had come to the entrance of the cave.

I saw him biting his finger and sketching the restriction on the formation.

"What is the painting?" Su Yi muttered.

I don't know what kind of pattern Yuan Zimo sketched. It looks crooked from a distance and has no sense of beauty.

As far as the level is concerned, it is the painting level of the kindergarten, which is still in the small class of the kindergarten.

While Su Yi was pondering, a red light suddenly shone on the formation restriction, and a blood-red pattern like a ball of thread suddenly appeared.

The next moment, the red thread ball inexplicably burned, exuding a fiery temperature, and actually burned a huge hole in the formation restriction.

Seeing this, the Yemo tribe and Feiyu tribe who were at the seventh level of the psychic realm were overjoyed, and immediately rushed into the cave.

The next moment, there was a fierce fighting sound in the cave.

Yuan Zimo stood on the spot and hesitated for a moment, then returned to the side of the night demon clansman who was in the third level of the psychic state.

Su Yi looked away and waited patiently.

He planned to wait until the opponent was exhausted before making a move, which would be more certain.

Time flies, and 10 minutes have passed.

The fight between the two sides continues and intensifies.

Su Yi was a little strange.

It stands to reason that after such a long time, even if the Night Demons and Feiyus couldn't kill the four guarding rock spirits, they should have seriously injured them, and the battle should have come to an end.

So why is it still continuing?It seems that the two sides are evenly matched.

Su Yi was a little confused about the situation, so he simply looked into the cave.

Seeing this made him feel extremely surprised.

However, the Ye Mo tribe and the Feiyu tribe fought against the two rock spirits, but without exception, they all fell into a disadvantage.

"Is the guard only so fierce as the rock spirit?" Su Yi clicked his tongue and watched again.

Soon, he found a clue.

The reason why the guardian rock spirit can gain the upper hand is because it has the ability to heal.

Whenever there is damage on their bodies, a golden beam of light will always fall from the sky, quickly repairing the damage.

And it is the rock spirit true crystal that releases the golden light beam.

(End of this chapter)

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