Chapter 1437
Seeing this scene, Su Yi didn't intend to wait any longer.

Because if the rock spirit crystal has this ability, the night demon tribe and the Feiyu tribe will definitely not be opponents.

Once they were defeated and fled, they would lose the chance to capture the Rock Spirit True Crystal.

Of course, even if you want to do something, you have to save Yuan Zimo first.

Immediately, Su Yi cast [Mirror Mirror Clone], and quietly came to Yuan Zimo's side.

At this time, Yuan Zimo was teaming up with the Night Demon clan to resist the rock spirit, and he never expected someone to come to him.

As soon as Su Yipu appeared, he grabbed Yuan Zimo by the back of the neck and threw him into the fragments of the world.

In the current situation, there is no time to explain anything to Yuan Zimo.

Anyway, Guan Yu and the others are all in the world fragments, so it will be clear when they get there.


Su Yi's appearance naturally aroused the idea of ​​the night demon clansman.

When he saw clearly that the person who appeared in front of him was a human race, his expression was extremely astonished.

"Old stuff! Forgot so soon?" Su Yi chuckled.

"It's you!" The night demon tribe's eyes widened suddenly.

When they were in the Green Turtle Continent, it was the young man in front of him who captured Yu Yuanwu.

Even if it turns into ashes, he will still recognize it!
The enemy was extremely jealous when they met, and the night demon clansman roared angrily, "Boy, I let you escape by chance last time, let's see how you escape from my palm this time."

"I'm afraid you don't have this ability." Su Yi sneered, raised his hand and punched.

This punch seemed ordinary, but it was not.

There is a faint layer of multicolored light on it, exuding a terrifying aura of destruction.

"God-like realm."

The Night Demons were stunned.

It wasn't until now that he realized that Su Yi was also a third-level martial artist in the supernatural realm.

But how is this possible?

When he was in the Green Turtle Continent, the young man in front of him clearly only had the Illusory Spirit Realm.

He was promoted to the level of the gods after only a few days?

The Night Demons didn't have time to think about it, because Su Yi's punch gave him a strong sense of crisis.

"Don't be arrogant!"

The night demon clansman had a ferocious face, and quickly blocked the umbrella figurative object in front of him.

The next moment, Su Yi's fist hit the umbrella figuratively.

The violent power and the power of the law of chaos poured out, instantly tearing the umbrella figurative object and the night demon tribe into pieces.

Even the night demons couldn't figure out why this young human was so terrifying.

After killing the opponent, Su Yi opened the [Langya Ring] and summoned the Black Sun Rift Rat and the Shadowless Phantom Beast, and told them: "You two guard the entrance of the cave, and don't let a rock spirit enter."

Later, we will go to capture the true crystal of rock spirits. If a large number of rock spirits rush in, it is likely to disrupt the plan.


The Black Sun Rift Rat and the Shadowless Phantom rushed towards the rock spirit frantically.

Su Yi glanced at it, then turned and walked towards the cave where the Rock Spirit Zhenjing was.

At this time, there was still a sound of fighting in the cave.

Su Yi walked outside the cave, pondered for a while, and then cast [Mirror Image Clone].

After the main body became invisible, he slowly walked into the cave.

Originally, his plan was to kill the Night Demons and Feiyu tribesmen, and then deal with the four rock spirits.

But after learning that the rock spirit true crystal has the ability to heal the rock spirit, he changed his mind and planned to capture the rock spirit true crystal first.

After entering the cave, Su Yi took a quick sweep, and soon found the Rock Spirit True Crystal in a far corner.

This guy seemed a little cowardly, shivering in the corner.

(End of this chapter)

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