Chapter 1446

Su Yi immediately said to [Smart Chariot]: "No. 2, has your detection function recovered?"

There is a very powerful Lingzhi here, who is probably a dangerous person, so don't be careless.

It's best to check it out.

"No." [Smart Chariot] said straight.

Su Yi frowned slightly, and muttered: "It's not easy to find that Lingzhi."

I don't know how big the area is here. If the opponent is hiding all his heart, it will be difficult to find his whereabouts without the help of [Smart Chariot].

[Smart Chariot] said with a smile: "Su Yi, isn't your purpose to find the Emerald Star Grass? As long as you find the Emerald Star Grass, the trip is worthwhile. As for the spiritual plant, if you can find it, grab it and touch it. It doesn't matter if you don't."

"That's right." Su Yi was relieved.

The main purpose of coming to the endless abyss is to rescue Yuan Zimo and find the Emerald Star Grass.

Yuan Zimo has been rescued, and all he needs to do is find the Emerald Star Grass.

Afterwards, Su Yi took the Four King Kong to search everywhere.

But what I didn't expect was that it took half a day to search a large circle, but found nothing.

"Something's wrong!" Su Yi stopped, squinted his eyes and glanced around, his eyes revealing a look of deep thought.

There are quite a lot of plants here, but without exception, they are all common goods.

Not to mention the Emerald Star Grass, even other spiritual plants have not been found.

This is very odd.

[Smart Chariot] reminded: "Will someone be the first to get there and plunder all the spiritual plants here?"

"It's unlikely." Su Yi shook his head and said, "The area inside is quite large. Even if someone comes in, it's impossible to search for all the spiritual materials, right?"

"That's the truth." [Smart Chariot] replied, guessing: "Could it be that there is no spiritual material here?"

Su Yi analyzed: "This news is learned from the population of the Feiyu tribe, which means that some of them have obtained the Emerald Star Grass from here, and it will not be groundless."

"That's strange, where did the spiritual materials inside go?" [Smart Chariot] sighed.

Su Yi pondered for a moment, then suddenly said: "Could it be that Lingzhi has hidden all the spirit materials here?"

Yanling Zhenjing said that there is a spiritual plant with extraordinary abilities, and it will not be a problem to hide all the spiritual materials.

"But even if we know it did it, we can't find him!" [Smart Chariot] said helplessly.

"I have a solution." Su Yi smiled mysteriously, and then shouted into the distance: "I know you are hiding nearby, I will give you three seconds to get out!"

[Smart Chariot]:? ? ?

What is this operation?Can the other person come out obediently by shouting?
Su Yi's countdown ended, and he snorted coldly: "I don't know what's good or bad! Do you really think I can't do anything to you?"

When the words fell, there was a loud bang in the air.

However, a giant long sword exuding bright luster suddenly appeared in midair, which was Su Yi's chaotic figurative object.


Muran, Su Yi reached out and pointed down.

The long sword of the figurative object of chaos slashed down in the air.

Boom. Click
Suddenly, a gully several tens of feet long appeared on the ground.

[Smart Chariot] I was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized that Su Yi was forcing the other party to show up.

Because with Su Yi's ability, he could completely wreak havoc here.

It is absolutely impossible for that spiritual plant to be alone, even if it does not show up.

(End of this chapter)

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