Chapter 1447 Appearance
"Only Su Yi can think of such a despicable method!" [Smart Chariot] sighed secretly.

On the other side, Su Yi controlled the figurative object and slashed the second sword.

The destructive power of this sword far exceeds that of the first sword. A huge crack with a length of [-] meters was opened on the ground, and a gap was torn around the crack by the overflowing sword energy, which was as dense as a spider web.

All the surrounding plants were destroyed.

After the two sword strikes, the eyes had become a devastated scene.

Su Yi didn't give up, just when he was about to strike the sword again, an angry roar suddenly came from not far away, "Stop!"

"You can't help it at last!" Su Yi sneered and turned to look in the direction of the source of the sound.

In the line of sight, on a piece of grass 50 meters away, a green vine slowly grew out.

When it grows to a height of one meter, a green mist gathers on it.

When the fog dissipated, a barefoot little girl appeared in front of her.

The little girl was wearing a green dress with a ponytail, and she looked petite and lovely.

At first glance, it is the same type as Nannan and Xiaojiu, the little loli type.

However, this little loli had a face full of anger at this time, and her eyes were also flickering coldly. She stared at Su Yi, and asked in a muffled voice, "Human, what do you want to do?"

Su Yi took a look at the other party and smiled, "I just want to meet you."

Little Loli snorted, and said angrily: "Now that you have seen it, can you leave?"

"The temper is quite irritable!" Su Yi chuckled, and then said: "No hurry, I have one more thing to ask you."

Without finding out the identity of the other party, and without getting the Emerald Star Grass, he definitely wouldn't leave.

Little Lolita asked patiently, "What do you want to know?"

Su Yi said straightly: "Where did the spiritual materials go? Did you hide them?"

"Everything here belongs to me, you don't care about it." Little Loli pouted and said coldly: "I advise you to leave here, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

"Threat me?" Su Yi frowned, and said cheerfully, "How can you be rude?"

"I will kill you!" Little Lolita's complexion suddenly sank, and then she flicked her finger, and a green light streak came out from her finger, and landed on a big tree not far away.

"What do you mean?" Su Yi was at a loss.

Suddenly, the big tree trembled violently, and after a burst of noise, it rose from the ground.

And what is even more surprising is that a human face grew on his tree trunk.

"I wipe!"

Seeing this scene, Su Yi's mouth opened slightly.

The transformed big tree is clearly a demon plant.

However, isn't this ability only possessed by the holy tree of the elves?

Why does the little loli in front of me do it too?
And in terms of ability, it is a little more powerful than the holy tree of the elves.

Because the demon plant produced by the holy tree of the elves needs a growth process, and it is absolutely impossible to become a mature body in the blink of an eye.

On the other hand, Little Lolita stretched out her hand and tapped it. Yaozhi matured in seconds, and her abilities were too terrifying.

"Now you know how powerful I am? Hurry up and retreat!" Little Lolita stared at Su Yi and said arrogantly.

Su Yi pinched his nose and smiled faintly, "If you only have this ability, you still can't do anything to me."

Although the Yaozhi plant is a mature body, it only has the first stage of the Illusory Spirit Realm. In terms of strength, it is similar to ordinary rock spirits.

He didn't pay attention to it at all.

(End of this chapter)

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