Chapter 1448
"Of course my ability is more than that." Little Loli snorted, and said unconvinced: "I can tap hundreds of such demon plants."

"Only a few hundred." Su Yi pondered.

Originally, he thought that the opponent was stronger than the holy tree of the elves, but now it seems that he is not as good as the holy tree of the elves.

Because although Little Lolita can produce spiritual plants faster, the number produced is far less than that of the holy tree of the elves.

The holy tree of the elves can produce [-] trees at a time.

Moreover, there are various types, combining melee and long-distance attacks, and ground vines that can be used as traps.

These are things that little Lolita can't compare to.

Su Yi smiled and said: "Even if you can create hundreds of monster plants, do you think you can block my previous sword?"

The two swords just now were powerful, not to mention that the first-level demon plants of the Illusory Spiritual Realm couldn't stop them, even the first-level demon plants of the Ability Realm were for nothing.

Hearing this, little Lolita fell silent.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he had to admit that he didn't have the ability to fight Su Yi at all.

Muran, she said, "What exactly do you want to do?"

"Don't be afraid, I'm a good person." Su Yi comforted, and then said: "I came here to find spiritual materials. As long as you give me all the spiritual materials, I will not make things difficult for you."

"Bandit!" Little Loli gritted her teeth.

Su Yi's words were full of threats, but he still advertised himself as a good person, how shameless!

"How could I be a robber?" Su Yi frowned.

It was the first time someone called him that, and it made him look like a villain.

"Hehe. Don't deny it!" Little Lolita sarcastically said, "This is my home. You want to destroy it as soon as you come here, and then you want to rob me of my spiritual materials. Isn't this the act of a robber?"

"Uh..." Su Yi was a little speechless, what the other party said seemed to make sense!
[Smart Chariot] said contemptuously: "Su Yi, I didn't expect you to be this kind of person!"

"Get out!" Su Yi said angrily: "Even if I am a robber, I was instigated by you, and you will not be much better!"

"I'm your follower, can I encourage you?" [Smart Chariot] was speechless, but he didn't argue, but said: "We don't make sense of the current situation, what should we do?"

Hearing this, Su Yi became thoughtful.

The Emerald Star Grass was too important to him, so he had to get it no matter what.

In addition, he is also more interested in Little Lolita's ability, if it can be brought to the rear base, it will be a great help.

Of course, there are still some challenges to accomplish these two tasks.

However, it doesn't bother him, because apart from fighting, fooling people is also his specialty.

It's not a big problem to fool a Yaozhi who has just opened his mind.

"Nonsense!" Suddenly, Su Yi snorted coldly: "Who said this belongs to your family? This is clearly my territory! I am the master of my territory, and I can do whatever I want, and it will be your turn." Pointing fingers?"

"What?" [Smart Chariot] was dumbfounded.

Isn't it their first time here?How did it become Su Yi's territory?
Soon, he realized that Su Yi was probably fooling people again.

"You're talking nonsense. I've lived here for hundreds of years. This is my home. Don't talk nonsense." Little Lolita was furious.

"Since you don't admit it, let's have a debate." Su Yi cleared his throat and said, "You should know where this is, right?"

"This is a domain." Little Loli said without thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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