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Chapter 1449 I Know It Was Wrong

Chapter 1449 I Know It Was Wrong

Su Yi continued: "Where did this domain come from?"

Little Lolita replied, "It's left behind by a true spirit realm warrior after his death."

"Then who killed this true spirit realm warrior?" Su Yi asked again.

"How do I know?" Little Loli pouted and said impatiently, "Is this important?"

"Of course it's important!" Su Yi said seriously with a stern look: "For example, if you fight with your opponent, if you kill the opponent, do his things belong to you?"

"Yes." Little Lolita nodded, and said doubtfully, "What's the use of saying this?"

Su Yi smiled and said: "This true spirit realm warrior was beheaded by my elder brother Su Chen, and this domain belongs to my elder brother. A few years ago, my elder brother went to another world, and he gave this domain to me before leaving. So, I am the master here, is that okay?"

[Smart Chariot]: "."

I rely on!

Can Su Yi and Su Chen call each other brothers?Good or bad, the difference between the two is tens of thousands of years, and they have never met.

However, he also had to admire Su Yi.

After all this nonsense, it is really convincing.

Little Lolita was a little confused.

Su Yi's remarks made her a little overwhelmed.

According to Su Yi's logic, does this domain really belong to Su Yi?
However, she always felt that something was wrong.

Su Yi didn't give little Lolita time to think, and asked in a cold voice: "Now do you know you're wrong?"

Little Lolita: "I"

Before he finished speaking, Su Yi said first: "In my territory, you still want to drive me out, it's clearly the dove occupying the magpie's nest!"

Little loli: "."

Su Yi spoke more and more vigorously, "Also, the spiritual materials here are all mine. Is it wrong for me to take back my things? If you don't give it to me, forget it, and slander me as a robber. Is this confusing right and wrong? Extremely shameless!"

Little Lolita's complexion is not very good-looking.

No matter who it is, being reprimanded in person will not be in a good mood.

Su Yi still didn't give up, and his words became more and more sharp, "You have lived on my site for so many years, have I asked you for rent? I haven't, which shows that I am a reasonable person and a person who doesn't care A person with philanthropy! But what about you? You slander me without any awareness! This tramples on my personality! You have gone too far."

[Smart Chariot] I was stunned when I heard it.

Good guy!Su Yi's ability to fool people has obviously sublimated.

Talking and talking, are you standing on the commanding heights of morality?

Fortunately, he was with Su Yi all day long and knew Su Yi well. If it was someone else, he wouldn't be fooled.

Su Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and when he was still about to speak, Little Lolita quickly interrupted, "Stop talking, I know I was wrong!"

She already felt ashamed. If Su Yi continued to speak, her mentality might collapse.

"Knowing that you are wrong, it means that you are still a good child and can be saved." Su Yi nodded, like an elder treating a junior, and said earnestly: "Of course, since you have made a mistake, you must pay some price to make up for it. .”

"What do I need to do?" Little Lolita looked up at Su Yi with an obedient expression on her face.

[Smart Chariot] sighed: "Little Lolita is still too innocent, and she still can't escape Su Yi's claws in the end!"

When little loli said that, she believed Su Yi's nonsense.

It also proved that Su Yi's ability to fool people is indeed extraordinary.

(End of this chapter)

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