Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1451 You Must Be By My Side

Chapter 1451 You Must Be By My Side

The Wood Spirit True Crystal flicked out a green thread and landed on a small grass in front of it.

The miraculous scene was staged again, but it was seen that the grass quickly grew into a small tree as thick as an arm, and a white fruit was formed on it, which was indeed a white sun-burned fruit.

"Very good." With a smile all over his face, Su Yi stepped forward and moved the whole tree into [Linlang Ring].

Then, he asked with anticipation: "Can the star-signal purple water chestnut tree be made?"

"Yes, but it won't work today, because I can make up to three plants a day." Wood Spirit Zhenjing said truthfully.

She has successively produced a demon plant, a sunburned fruit tree and a emerald star grass, which add up to exactly three, and she has reached the limit.

"You can only make three a day?" Su Yi frowned slightly, and asked, "Didn't you just say that you can make hundreds of demon plants?"

Wood Spirit Zhenjing lowered her head and said embarrassedly: "I just wanted to scare you."

"Fuck!" Su Yi shook his head, slightly disappointed.

Three kinds of spiritual materials were produced in one day, which was far lower than his expectation.

But then I thought, it's not bad to get three kinds of spiritual materials without paying anything.

No matter how much you ask, you will become a little greedy, and you will be relieved.

Su Yi then said: "Seeing that you are quite boring here, just follow me from now on."

The wood spirit crystal has the ability to make spiritual materials, so it must be taken away together.

Whether she agrees or not, it's up to her.

"Ah?" Wood Spirit Zhenjing froze for a moment, and said, "I've already created a spiritual plant for you, so just let me go."

She has lived here for hundreds of years, has adapted to the environment here, and regards this place as her home, so she definitely doesn't want to leave.

Su Yi looked at the wood spirit Zhenjing and smiled slightly, "You owe me rent for so many years, can you offset it by giving me two kinds of spiritual materials?"

"It's really less." Wood Spirit Zhenjing nodded slightly, and then asked: "How much do you need?"

"I'm the most reasonable person, and I don't charge too much. Just give me three spiritual plants a year. If you live here for at least 300 years, it will add up to nine hundred spiritual plants." Su Yi said naturally.

"Nine hundred!" Wood Spirit Zhenjing opened his mouth wide.

It is indeed very cheap to charge three spiritual materials a year as rent.

But if there are a total of [-] plants, wouldn't it be necessary to continuously produce [-] days?She can make it slowly, but can Su Yi wait?

The answer is yes, Su Yi will definitely not wait.

Then she must follow Su Yi.

But she doesn't want to leave!
The wood spirit Zhenjing discussed: "Why don't you come to collect the rent in a year? I will definitely prepare the spiritual materials by then."

"No!" Su Yi resolutely refused, and said confidently: "What if you run away when the time comes?"

Wood Spirit Zhenjing vowed: "Don't worry, I will definitely not run away!"

"I've seen a lot of people like you, who say one thing and back the other." Su Yi snorted, and said in an unquestionable tone: "I still say the same thing, you must stay by my side, there is no room for negotiation .”

If it's not soft, then it's hard, he doesn't have time to chatter with Wood Spirit Zhenjing.

Wood Spirit Zhenjing sighed, and said helplessly: "It's fine to stay by your side, but when I finish paying the rent, you have to let me go."

"No problem." Su Yi agreed.

He definitely wouldn't let Wood Spirit Zhenjing leave, and now he was just fooling around.

When the time comes there will be plenty of excuses to keep it.

(End of this chapter)

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