Chapter 1452
Wood Spirit Zhenjing looked at Su Yi, as if he didn't believe it, so he said, "You swear!"

"Okay!" Su Yi didn't care, and said with a smile: "I swear in the name of [Smart Chariot], if he can't abide by it, he is not human!"

[Intelligent Chariot] Although it is a higher life, strictly speaking, it is indeed not human.

It's okay even if you break your oath.

[Smart Chariot] "."

Are you even human?Use me as a shield!

Wood Spirit Zhenjing asked strangely: "Why do you swear on others?"

Su Yi explained: "You don't know that No. 2 is a mechanical clansman and my best brother! If I swear to him, I can let him help restrain me, so that I can better fulfill my oath to you .”

[Smart Chariot] Feeling resentful, "Your sister! When I called you brothers and sisters, you still looked disgusted! Now I'm needed, it's your brother? What the hell!"

"Oh, so that's the case." Wood Spirit Zhenjing was relieved a lot.

Su Yi continued: "Since we have reached an agreement, you will follow me for a while, and I will give you a name according to the rules."

"It's coming again!" [Smart Chariot] secretly sighed.

Recently, Su Yi has been bewildered by giving names to people whenever he catches them.

"Okay." Wood Spirit Zhenjing didn't care too much.

Su Yi then said: "You will order some points from now on."

Wood Spirit True Crystal can create a spiritual material with just a touch, which shows that his name is still justified.

"It sounds nice." Wood Spirit Zhenjing prefers this name.

"I still have a lot of experience in naming. So far, no one doesn't like it." Su Yi laughed, and then said: "Dian Dian, I will arrange you to enter a new environment later, you first and Familiarize yourself with your neighbors."

"Oh" Wood Spirit Zhenjing nodded obediently.

Su Yi opened the [Linlang Ring] and summoned the holy tree of the elves.

"Brother, what's the arrangement?" Asked the first time the elf holy tree appeared.

"I'll introduce you to a neighbor." Su Yi pulled Wood Spirit Zhenjing to his side, and said with a smile, "She's called Diandian, and she will be your neighbor from now on. You must take good care of her."

The Holy Tree of the Elf Tribe turned to look at the wood spirit Zhenjing. When he saw the appearance clearly, his eyes couldn't move away.

"Huh?" Su Yi noticed this, thinking that the holy tree of the elves wouldn't be as virtuous as Xiaojian, right?

When Xiaojian saw Xiao Jiu, he confessed his love directly.

Looking at the state of the holy tree of the elves, there are also signs of this!
Su Yi tentatively said: "Little bald head, you won't be interested in Diandian, will you?"

The face of the holy tree of the elves blushed, and said embarrassedly: "Brother, I don't know if it is. However, when I saw the dots, my heart beat violently, as if there was some kind of magic that attracted me deeply." I."

"Damn it! Isn't this the expression of love at first sight?" Su Yi's lips parted slightly, and he persuaded him earnestly: "Little bald head, you'd better give up this unrealistic idea."

"Why?" The Elven Sacred Tree was puzzled.

Su Yi said seriously: "Diandian looks beautiful, petite and cute. Let's look at you, not to mention you are covered in tree branches, and you don't even have a hair on your head. With this image, how can people like you? "

(End of this chapter)

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