Chapter 1510
The white-haired old man paused slightly, and a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "The boundary point connecting the Sea Clan is located in the fallen desert of the Rock Clan Continent. Moreover, that boundary point is extremely unstable, and it is only suitable for shuttles during certain periods of time." , which gave us a chance to capture him."

Speaking of this, the white-haired old man then issued an order, "Black Eagle, you immediately take your men and go to the Yanzu Continent. No matter what the price is, you must bring me the [Smart Chariot] back!"

"Yes!" Black Hawk bowed to accept the order.

When the [Smart Chariot] shuttled out, it suddenly entered a desolate world.As far as I can see, there is a piece of withered and yellow weeds, lifeless at all.

"No. 2, why did you shuttle suddenly?" Su Yi asked puzzled.

[Smart Chariot] took a breath, and said with lingering fear: "Su Yi, you don't know something. Just now a monster from the real spirit realm chased and killed him. If I didn't react in time, we would all be finished!"

"It's so dangerous!" Su Yi took a breath, feeling like he was wandering through the gate of hell once.

Taking a breath, he continued to ask, "Number 2, where did we shuttle to?"

"This is the Yanzu Continent." [Smart Chariot] replied.

"Yan clan, Xiaoyan's hometown?" Su Yi muttered.

[Smart Chariot] Corrected: "Xiaoyan's hometown is the continent of the Brownyan tribe, and this is the continent of the Yan tribe. They are two different places."

"Oh." Su Yi suddenly realized, and then said: "Is there any strong person in the real spirit realm in the Yan clan?"

If there is a true spirit realm here, you can't continue to take risks.

You can't always pin your life on your belt.

[Smart Chariot] said: "The Rock Race is a lower-middle race, and there is no real spirit realm in my impression."

"That's good." Su Yi let out a long sigh of relief, and his mind moved.

Since he didn't get any benefits in the Monster Beast Continent, he might as well make up for it here.

Of course, the premise is that there are good things in the Yanzu Continent.

Su Yi asked: "No. 2, are there any spiritual materials or spirit crystal mines in the Yanzu Continent?"

"No." [Smart Chariot] said straight.

"Is he so poor?" Su Yi's face was a little ugly.

You must know that the [Smart Chariot] shuttled twice, consuming twenty top-quality spirit crystals.

If you can't get any benefits, isn't it a blood loss?
[Smart Chariot] said with a smile: "Although spirit crystals and spirit materials are few and far between, they have many mines, and some of them can produce Eight Desolation Thunder Flame Stones."

"There is also the Eight Desolation Ting Yan Stone?" Su Yi suddenly became excited.

If a mine with the Eight Desolation Tingyan Stone is taken away, all the rear bases can be replaced with weapons made of the Eight Desolation Tingyan Stone, and the combat effectiveness will definitely be upgraded to a higher level.

It was not a loss to come out this time.

"Number 2, do you know that there are Eight Desolation Ting Yan Stones?" Su Yi asked.

"It's also my first time to come to the Rock Clan Continent. I just heard that there is the Eight Desolation Ting Yan Stone here. I don't know where it is. You can arrest a few people and interrogate them and you will know?" [Smart Chariot] said with a smile .

"That's right." Su Yi nodded, and suddenly thought of something, "What is the relationship between the Yan Clan and the beast?"

If the Rock Clan didn't turn to the fierce beasts and was a neutral race, then they couldn't kill them.

[Smart Chariot] said angrily: "The Yan tribe is the first race to take refuge in the beast! I don't know how many bad things they have done under the hands of the beast!"

(End of this chapter)

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