Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1511 Arresting the Yan Clan

Chapter 1511 Arresting the Yan Clan

"Then there is nothing to be polite about." Su Yi's eyes turned cold, and he ordered: "Number 2, set off to find the people of the Yan tribe."

[Smart Chariot] reminded: "Su Yi, there is something I must tell you. The Yanzu Continent is not connected to the Blue Star Boundary Point."

Hearing this, Su Yi frowned.

If there is no boundary point connecting to Blue Star, it is necessary to go to other foreign continents to return to Blue Star. If this is the case, it may be in danger.

Su Yi asked: "No. 2, which continent is this connected to?"

[Smart Chariot] Said in a deep voice: "As far as I know, there are only three boundary points in the Yanzu Continent, which are connected to the Monster Beast Continent, the Undead Continent and the Sea Clan Continent."

"So you can only choose the Sea Clan?" Su Yi pondered.

The Monster Beast Continent will definitely not be able to return. The undead are one of the five super races, and there are many strong ones, so they cannot be easily involved in danger.

The Sea Clan does have a boundary point connecting to Blue Star, which is in the Tidal Sea.

But the Sea Clan is also a big clan, entering rashly is dangerous and unpredictable.

However, there is no better choice.

[Smart Chariot] continued: "I don't know where the boundary point connecting the Sea Clan is. We also need to find out in advance."

"Okay, let's look for the mine and find out the news of the boundary point." Su Yi nodded.

Behind, [Smart Chariot] flew in one direction.

Half an hour later, he flew out of this barren land and entered a plain.

Soon came across a village of Yan people.

This village is not too big, with hundreds of Ziyan people.

Through the screen sent back by the [Smart Chariot], you can clearly see the appearance of the Yan people.

Speaking of which, the people of the Yan tribe have some similarities with the people of the Brown Rock tribe. The difference is that as the strength of the people of the Yan tribe increases, their bodies will be covered with a layer of rock.

The main function of this layer of rocks is for defense, the higher the level of cultivation, the more rocks covering the body.

When promoted to a certain level, the whole body is covered with rocks, like a stone man.

In this small village, the highest-cultivated member of the Rock tribe is only at the fifth level of Soul Gathering Realm, and only his hands and parts of his body are covered with a layer of rocks.

After Su Yi glanced at it, he began to act.

In less than a minute, the person from the Yan clan who was at the fifth level of Soul Gathering Realm was captured.

As for the rest of the Yan tribe, they were all slaughtered.

Su Yi started the interrogation immediately.

But the other party lived in a small village, with little knowledge, and did not know the location of the ore and the location of the boundary point at all.

After Su Yi killed him, he pondered.

According to the other party, there is a Black Rock City more than 2000 kilometers away from here, and there are several Illusory Spirit Realm warriors in the city.

People in the Illusory Spiritual Realm must have more knowledge, and if they interrogate them, they may be able to get useful information.

Later, under Su Yi's signal, the [Smart Chariot] rushed towards Black Rock City.

[Smart Chariot] Flying for a thousand kilometers, he suddenly reminded: "Su Yi, a Yan tribe's aircraft was found in front of him, and there is a Yan tribe warrior in the fifth level of spiritual power inside."

"Number 2, hurry up and arrest him." Su Yi ordered with a flick of his face.

No matter where he is placed, a martial artist at the fifth level of the divine realm can be regarded as a great power, so his knowledge must be more extensive.

"Understood!" [Smart Chariot] chased towards the opponent.

(End of this chapter)

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