Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1556 Xuantian Spirit Slaying Sword

Chapter 1556 Xuantian Spirit Slaying Sword

"Is it an innate magic weapon?" Su Yi's heart moved.

The sword intent escaping from the treasure chest was too powerful, and it would definitely not be possessed by Houtian Shenbing.

Therefore, I wonder if it is an innate magic weapon?
Thinking of this, Su Yi quickly looked into the treasure chest.

But I saw a long sword lying horizontally inside, but its appearance was extremely poor.

As if carved from a tree root, the surface is rough and the color is gray.

There is no brilliance of Excalibur at all.

"What is this?" Su Yi held it in his hand and looked at it for a while.

Just when he was about to ask Taixu Gulong, [Smart Chariot] shouted excitedly: "Su Yi, this is the Xuantian Spirit Slaying Sword, it is a treasure of chaos!"

"The Treasure of Chaos?" Yao Ziyan covered her mouth with her hands, her face full of shock.

The Primal Chaos Treasure is a treasure that was naturally conceived at the beginning of the world. It only exists in legends, and it appeared in front of her without thinking about it.

Su Yi was equally excited.

Chaos treasure!No matter who sees it, they will not be able to hold it.

At this moment, he understood why Taixu Gulong wanted to fight to the death with the evil insects.

It's all for the Xuantian Spirit Slaying Sword.

Taixu Gulong felt a little melancholy at this moment.

Back then, in order to compete for the Xuantian Spirit Slaying Sword, he and the evil insects fought so hard.

In the end, both of them almost fell.

But in the end, I didn't get any benefits, so I made a wedding dress for Su Yi.

Su Yi held the Xuantian Spirit Slaying Sword and looked at it fondly for a while, and finally put it in the [Qiankun Ring], then turned to the [Smart Chariot] and asked: "No. 2, what ability does the Xuantian Spirit Slashing Sword possess? ?”

Generally speaking, every piece of Chaos Supreme Treasure has special abilities.

Just like the resurrection compass, its function is to resurrect living beings.

[Smart Chariot] Brewed for a while, and said in a deep voice: "Slash the sky and the earth! Slash everything in the world!"

"What you said is too hollow, can you be more detailed?" Su Yi said.

According to [Smart Chariot], owning the Xuantian Slashing Spirit Sword is equivalent to dominating the world.

It's a bit too bragging!
[Smart Chariot] After thinking about it for a while, he rephrased it, "To put it simply, Xuantian Zhanling Sword is a non-attribute sword with a strong ability to break defenses."

"Huh?" Su Yi was dumbfounded.

What's the difference between this and Chaos Sword?
The Sword of Chaos is forged using the Eight Desolation Ting Yan Stone, and it is also a non-attribute sword, which also has the ability to break defenses.

If the Xuantian Spirit Slaying Sword only has this ability, how can it be worthy of the title of Chaos Supreme Treasure?

[Smart Chariot] said with a smile: "The Xuantian Spirit Slaying Sword is not comparable to your Chaos Sword, its defense-breaking ability is at least dozens of times that of the Chaos Sword, and there is almost nothing it can't break .”

"Is it so awesome?" Su Yi's expression was moved, and he asked with a turn of his mind: "Can the domain of the true spirit realm be broken?"

The most dreaded thing in the True Spirit Realm is the domain, once you fall into the domain, you can only be passive and fight.

Even with his current strength, he doesn't think he will be an opponent in the real spirit realm.

However, if he could smash the domain, the True Spirit Realm would not have any advantage in front of him.

It is even possible to counter-kill the opponent.

Of course, the premise is that the cultivation base cannot be too far apart.

If he meets someone who is above the third level of the True Spirit Realm, he still has no chance.

[Smart Chariot] said without hesitation: "There is no problem!"

(End of this chapter)

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