Chapter 1557
"Nice!" Su Yi clenched his fists.

With the Xuantian Spirit Slaying Sword, he has the capital to fight against the True Spirit Realm.In the future, if you encounter a warrior at the first or second level of the True Spirit Realm, you will no longer have to run away like before.

Su Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and turned to Taixu Gulong and said: "Old Xu, you should know something about Xuantian Slashing Spirit Sword, do you have anything to add?"

[Smart Chariot] Cheering up, "Su Yi is really awesome! They're starting to arrange names for the Real Spirit Realm."

"Old Xu?" Taixu Gulong was stunned.

Does this name sound a bit too imaginary?As if he was bad!Anyway, he is also a great power in the real spirit realm, so why can't Su Yi respect him a little bit?
Taixu Gulong held back his breath and said: "I don't have anything to add. Besides, can you give me another name? It's better to call me senior if you can't."

"No!" Su Yi flatly refused, and then explained: "We are not only a cooperative relationship, but also friends. If you call me senior, it seems unfamiliar, but you should call me Laoxu and kind."

Taixu Gulong gritted his teeth, "Then you can call me Old Gu."

Lao Gu is always better to hear than Lao Xu.

"Senior, you are questioning my ability to choose a name!" Su Yi chuckled and said, "To tell you the truth, I have a reason for choosing a name. It's like calling you Laoxu. The word 'virtual' is because of your current state. To put it bluntly, it's too hypocritical!"

Taixu Gulong: "."

No matter how serious my injury is, I can't get in touch with Xu, right?

Are you fucking trying to take the opportunity to retaliate?

Taixu Gulong guessed right, Su Yi really wanted revenge.

After all, he almost died at the hands of Taixu Gulong, and if he didn't take revenge, it would not be his style at all.

That is to say, extracting a lot of abilities from Taixu Gulong, plus obtaining three treasure chests, can make Su Yi's mood better.Otherwise, it would not be as simple as giving a name, and it would have to be beaten up.

Su Yi changed the subject, "Old Xu, how can we get out of here?"

There are still many blood spirits and aliens outside, and he intends to wipe them all out.

Taixu Gulong gritted his teeth, and said: "I can't get out for the time being, I can only be teleported out when this place is closed."

Although he is unwilling to accept this name, he has to accept it.Because now he can't beat Su Yi at all.

"That means we have to wait ten days?" Su Yi muttered.

"Yes." Taixu Gulong affirmed.

"Okay." Su Yi didn't care. After teleportation, he could still hunt and kill aliens, so he just took advantage of this time to recover.

Later, he took out a giant watermelon and shared it with everyone.

After eating, Su Yi turned to Yao Ziyan and asked, "Yao Ziyan, what are your plans for the future?"

Yao Ziyan sighed, "I don't know either."

His identity is the guard of that ferocious beast, once the ferocious beast dies, she cannot escape the guilt!Definitely can't go back, and can't show up.

Otherwise, it will bring disaster to the Dong people.

"Just stay with me from now on, I'll take you to Blue Star." Su Yi thought for a while and said.

After all, Yao Ziyan had saved Fatty Hu, and she was also a martial artist at the eighth level of the divine power.

Bringing it back can at least improve the overall strength of the rear base.

"Okay!" Yao Ziyan happily agreed.

Following Su Yi is her best choice at present.

Su Yi then asked: "Your figurative object has been destroyed, is there any possibility of re-condensation?"

As an ice spiritual cultivator, Yao Ziyan is still very strong, and she is definitely among the best in her class.

But without the figurative object, her strength has undoubtedly dropped to freezing point.

(End of this chapter)

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