Chapter 1564

Su Yi said calmly: "Aren't you a warrior at the first level of the True Spirit Realm?"

"Huh?" The old man of the Sea Clan was puzzled.

Since the famous human race in front of him knew that he was a strong man in the real spirit realm, why did he still look confident?

Are you making a fool of yourself?
The old man of the Hai clan looked at Su Yi again, and asked strangely: "Boy, are you not afraid that I will kill you?"

Su Yi smiled and said: "It's fine for you to be arrogant in front of others, but don't act aggressive in front of me! Otherwise, if I'm not happy, I might kill you!"

"You want to kill me?" The old man of the Sea Clan was stunned.

A human race at the tenth level of the supernatural realm threatened to kill him, a strong man in the true spirit realm?
It was the funniest joke he'd ever heard.

You won't meet a lunatic, will you?
"You don't believe it?" There was a sneer on the corner of Su Yi's mouth.

"Haha!" The old man of the Hai Clan smiled instead of anger: "The old man just stands here and doesn't move, kill me and see."

"As you wish!" Su Yi's expression froze, and he rushed forward with the Xuantian Slaying Spirit Sword in his hand.

In fact, if you use [Mirror Clone] plus [Teleportation], it is very likely to seriously injure or kill the opponent with one blow.

After all, the old man of the Sea Clan was too careless and didn't release the domain at all.

However, what Su Yi thought was that he would definitely fight against the True Spirit Realm in the future, and it would be good to gain some combat experience in advance.

That's why I chose the front hard steel!

next moment!
Su Yi rushed to the old man of the Hai clan, and slashed down with his sword in the air.

"Small tricks!" The old man of the sea clan looked contemptuous, and unhurriedly formed a water shield to block in front of him.

Stab it.

The Xuantian Spirit Slaying Sword easily split the water shield like cutting tofu.

"how is this possible?"

The old man of the Hai clan constricted his pupils, and retreated back with a roar.

But no matter how fast he reacted, there was still a long gash in his chest, and blood flowed out.

The old man of the Hai Clan lowered his head, his face suddenly turned ferocious, and he roared: "Human, how dare you hurt me! This old man will crush you!"

Su Yi showed no fear, and said sarcastically, "I told you a long time ago not to pretend, but you just didn't listen. Are you hurt now?"


Being humiliated by Su Yi face to face, the old man of the Hai clan became furious and screamed loudly.

Suddenly, there was an explosion in Su Yi's ear, and the scene in front of him changed rapidly, and he soon came to a black sea.

At this moment, the waves in the sea area are rough, and huge waves rise into the sky, giving people a very scary feeling.

Su Yi knew that he must be covered by the opponent's domain.

However, he originally wanted to see it, so he didn't panic at all.

Muran, a sea giant appeared on the surface of the sea, as tall as a hundred feet.

Like a god, exuding brilliant heavenly power.

The giant seawater stared at Su Yi with a pair of huge eyes, his eyes filled with icy color, and said coldly: "Boy, you are already trapped in my waters, just wait to be slowly tortured by me."

"It's not sure who abuses who. Don't pretend to be aggressive, hurry up and do it." Su Yi is gearing up, looking eager to try.

"court death!"

The seawater giant was furious, and raised a fist like a mountain and threw it at Su Yi in the air.

A huge shadow suddenly appeared above Su Yi, covering the sky and the sun.

But he was not afraid in the slightest, he also clenched his fists and bombarded out.

A loud bang.

The moment the two fists, one big and one small, touched, the sea giant's fist was blown apart, and even the whole arm was shattered.

Suddenly, countless seawater fell from the sky, like a torrential rain.

(End of this chapter)

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