Chapter 1565


After being hit so hard, the sea giant let out a shrill scream.

Su Yi looked up and said sarcastically, "Old man, you are nothing more than that!"

"Boy, you have completely angered me!" The sea giant roared, and suddenly exploded.

clap clap clap.
Pieces of sea water fell on the sea surface, splashing huge waves.

The next moment, after the waves condensed, they turned into ugly sea monsters. There were so many of them that there was no end in sight.

"It's interesting." Su Yi smiled calmly.


Muran, a cold howl floated around.

All the sea monsters received the order, and they all opened their mouths and sprayed out thick water arrows.

For a time, the sky was full of figures of water arrows, densely packed, covering the sky and breaking the sun.

Shrouded by this amount of water arrows, there is simply no room for dodging.

Su Yi turned a blind eye, his body was filled with a layer of bright light, standing in place, letting the water arrows rush towards him.

Today, his physical strength has been increased by thirty times, coupled with the aura of the law of chaos, he is directly ignored by ordinary attacks.

Bang bang bang.
Countless water arrows hit Su Yi's body like rain hitting plantains, and there was a dense impact sound.

However, no matter how strong the attack density of the water arrows was, they shattered when they hit Su Yi's body, and they failed to break through Su Yi's defense from the beginning to the end.

It was like tickling Su Yi.

"What level of defense is this?" The old man of the sea tribe hiding in the distance saw this scene, his eyeballs almost popped out.

You know, those sea monsters are all transformed by using the true spirit of water, and their attack power is extremely powerful.

If it were any other martial artist of the tenth level of the supernatural realm, he would have been blasted to pieces long ago if he suffered this level of attack.

Su Yi was unscathed, and his defensive power could only be described as terrifying.

"Old man, do you have any other means?" Su Yi looked at the old man of the Hai clan from afar and sneered.

"Boy, don't be crazy! Do you think I really can't deal with you?" The old man of the Hai clan changed his face ferociously, and stretched out his hand to pat the storage bag.

Immediately, a blue jade pot flew out.

Obviously, this jade pot is definitely a magic weapon.

Su Yi couldn't help but looked at the jade pot.

But at this moment, the old man of the Sea Clan stretched out his hand a little forward.

Clap la la.
Countless sea monsters shattered open, pouring into the jade pot like a long whale sucking water.

"Boy, let me show you my real killer move!" The old man of the Sea Clan suddenly laughed wildly.

A jet of water suddenly shot out from the jade pot, rushed into the mid-air and circled, and then turned into a water dragon as thick as a bucket, and rushed towards Su Yi with its teeth and claws.

Feeling that this water dragon contained terrifying water energy, Su Yi didn't hold back, holding the Xuantian Spirit Slaying Sword, pouring the energy of the law of chaos, and slashing down with a volley.


The water dragon was split by a sword and split into two.

However, Su Yi discovered that the water dragon that had been cut in half did not dissipate, but turned into two smaller water dragons that opened their mouths and bit at him at the same time.

Su Yi snorted softly, and immediately cast [Mirror Mirror Clone].

The water dragon is a bit difficult to deal with, and I am afraid it will be difficult to eliminate it in a short time.

Therefore, he planned to capture the king first, and kill the old man of the Hai clan.


Two water dragons bit Su Yi's body one after another, crushing him effortlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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