Chapter 1611 Entering Area Four
The surroundings fell into a suffocating silence for an instant.

Everyone stared at Su Yi in astonishment, and there was a storm in their hearts.

The strongest man in the Catacombs, Long Aotian, whose strength exceeded [-] kilograms, was pulverized by a young man's punch.

The shock and horror that this scene brought to them was absolutely unprecedented.

"My mother! When did Su Yi become so fierce?" The strong man in the iron tower clicked his tongue fiercely.

Su Yi in the past was also very powerful, but he was definitely not as crazy as he is now!

Su Yi now presents an invincible posture.

What a fucking dick!

After killing Long Aotian, Su Yi turned his gaze and landed on the disciples of Longyin Sect.

"How to do?"

Swept by Su Yi's gaze, the disciples of Longyin Sect felt as if they were being targeted by a demon, and their bodies were icy cold.

"Senior." A disciple of Longyin Sect couldn't bear this kind of oppression, and when he was about to beg for mercy, his head was smashed to pieces by Su Yi's slap.

When the headless body of this disciple fell to the ground, the hearts of the rest of the Longyin Sect people throbbed violently.

They could imagine that the young man in front of him was not only terrifying in strength, but also ruthless in his attacks.

Staying here is a dead end.


Who knows who yelled, and a stone caused a thousand waves, and everyone started to flee desperately.

"Death!" Su Yi let out a cold roar, and raised his hand to blast out [Storm Hammer].

The huge hammer shadow howled and crushed, no one could resist it wherever it was.

The screams came one after another.

When the last scream came to an end, there was blood and broken limbs on the ground.

None of the Longyin Sect disciples present could survive.

"so horrible!"

"It's simply killing God!"

Witnessing the hellish scene, the audience around were once again shocked.

The strong man in the iron tower took a deep breath and shouted in his heart, "Su Yi is so awesome."

Su Yi glanced around, quickly came to the strong man in the iron tower, and asked, "Senior Six, where are Senior Four and Senior Five?"

Among the people present, there were no coquettish women or middle-aged scholars.

It made him a little worried, were the two killed?

The strong man in the iron tower regained his composure, and hurriedly said: "The fourth and fifth brothers fled into the fourth area in order to avoid the arrest of Longyinmen."

"What?" Su Yi's face changed suddenly.

Area No. [-] is where the lava in the center of the earth is located, and there are a large number of igneous rock spirits in it. It is too dangerous to enter rashly, and they may have been exterminated.

"Su Yi, the fourth child and the others will not be in danger, right?" Seeing that Su Yi's expression was not right, the strong man in the iron tower felt something was wrong.

"I hope it's okay." Su Yi sighed, turned to open the world fragments, and took them directly into it without explaining anything to the strong man in the iron tower.

Then, he said to the people around him: "The aliens have already been killed, if you want to survive, you should unite and kill the enemy together!"

After the words fell, he rushed out along the passage, and came to the stone cave in a blink of an eye.

At this moment, the battle in the cave was over.

All the human fighters were killed, and all the targets were aliens.

The moment Su Yi appeared, the aliens attacked frantically.

Su Yi threw two punches in a row and killed hundreds of aliens. Instead of continuing to fight, he stepped into the stone gate of area [-] in one step.

(End of this chapter)

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