Chapter 1612 Fire Rock Spirit

There is still a slanting passage inside the stone gate, but compared with the other passages, this one is longer.

And the further you go down, the higher the temperature, and even Su Yi slowly feels hot.

When he walked out of the passage, what appeared in front of him was a huge magma lake, from which streams of scorching heat escaped.

Su Yixu squinted his eyes and quickly found a trail on the edge of the magma lake, extending to the other side of the magma lake.

However, this path is close to the stone wall, and it is very narrow, even if a person passes by, he needs to turn sideways.

If one accidentally falls into the magma lake, there will be no bones left.

Su Yi took a deep breath and walked slowly along this path.

On the way, [Smart Chariot] said worriedly: "Su Yi, you must be careful not to fall into it, or both of us will die."

Su Yi turned a deaf ear and continued to walk forward cautiously.

After about 10 minutes, I finally came to the other side of the magma lake.

Su Yi jumped, flew to the shore, and then swept his eyes.

But he saw a very flat stone wall standing in front of him, as if it had been split by a sword.

And in the center of the stone wall, there is a hole several feet in size, the inside is pitch black, and it is not known where it leads.

Su Yi stood on the spot and hesitated for a moment. Just as he was about to enter, several red figures suddenly shot out from the magma lake.

Su Yi's heart froze, he turned around and swept back.

In the line of sight, ten monsters like rock spirits were staring at him with flames all over their bodies.

[Smart Chariot] reminded: "Su Yi, they are fire rock spirits, much more powerful than the rock spirits made by small stones."

Su Yi nodded slightly, but didn't care much.

With his current strength, he really didn't pay attention to a few fire rock spirits.

When Su Yi was looking at Huoyan Ling, the other party was also looking at him.

The two sides stood in a stalemate for a few seconds, and one of the fire rock spirits suddenly reached out and pointed at the entrance of the cave, as if giving Su Yi a hint.

Then, ten fire rock spirits jumped into the magma one after another and disappeared.

"Huh?" Su Yi was a little confused.

This place is clearly the territory of Huoyanling. If he, an outsider, rushes in rashly, won't the other side stop him?
"No. 2, what do you think the other party means?" Su Yi said.

[Smart Chariot] was also a little dazed, and guessed: "Is there a particularly powerful existence in the entrance of the cave? Or a trap? I deliberately lured you in, and then killed you."

"There is indeed such a possibility." Su Yi muttered.

But regardless of whether it is dangerous or not, it must be entered.

Because I haven't seen the middle-aged scholar and others until now, and I have to get the Chaos Spiritual Liquid.

"If you don't enter the tiger's lair, how can you catch tiger cubs!" Su Yi's eyes showed firmness, and he strode into it with Xuantian Zhan Lingjian in his hand.

At the same time he entered the cave entrance, a large number of aliens poured into the other side of the magma lake, led by an undead.

The undead man swept around, and finally made the same choice as Su Yi, walking along the path on the edge of the stone wall.

However, when he led the people halfway through the walk, huge bubbles suddenly popped up in the magma lake.

Puff puff
Suddenly, more than a dozen huge red tentacles rushed out of it, and all the aliens on the path were sucked into the magma lake.

For a while, screams continued.

"Not good! There are fire rock spirits here, hurry up and withdraw!"

The aliens on the periphery, when they saw this scene, fled desperately.

(End of this chapter)

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