Chapter 1627
[Smart Chariot] reminded: "Su Yi, the creatures transformed in the domain cannot be killed, unless you can kill the undead clansman or break his domain."

"No. 2, how can we break through his domain?" Su Yi asked anxiously.

With his ability, he must not be able to defeat the undead people in the third level of the true spirit realm.

But with the Xuantian Slaying Spirit Sword in hand, breaking through the realm is not a problem.

The point is, he doesn't know how to break it.

[Smart Chariot] quickly said: "Only by finding the location of the domain wall can it be broken."

"Where is Yubi?" Su Yi asked.

"The domain wall is three thousand kilometers away!" [Smart Chariot] sighed.

"Ah?" Su Yi was a little dumbfounded.

For such a long distance, even if you turn on full speed, it will take at least half an hour to go back and forth.

By then, Lei Junying and Jiang Jingfu might have been killed.

If only he is left, how can he fight against the undead?

Therefore, the road to break the domain wall is considered to be blocked.The only way to change the situation is to kill the undead.

Su Yi looked at the undead tribe with fluttering eyes.

In the line of sight, this undead clansman turned into a height of hundreds of feet, with a layer of surging death energy rippling all over his body, like a demon god, fierce and powerful!

"What a terrifying aura!" Su Yi smashed his tongue, and then looked at Lei Junying and the other two.

There are ten earth-yellow mountains floating around Lei Junying's body. As they slowly rotate, thick yellow beams of light are shot out from them, like laser beams. Their power is incomparable. All zombies that touch them evaporate instantly. .

On the other side, Jiang Jingfu stood on a golden puppet with a height of one hundred feet, and there were hundreds of silver puppets with a height of ten feet gathered around him.

At this moment, these silver puppets were fighting with the zombies that rushed up.

As for the puppet in the Real Spirit Realm, it had already returned to Jin Jingfu's side.

Su Yi noticed that this was a pure power repair puppet.Every punch will be accompanied by a loud bang, and the powerful force will sweep over, destroying all the zombies standing in front of it.

Seeing this, Su Yi felt a little strange.

The strength displayed by the two of Lei Junying and the puppet in the Real Spirit Realm is very powerful, and it seems that they are not in the least undead clansmen, and they even have a slight upper hand.

It stands to reason that there is a difference between the second level of the True Spirit Realm and the third level of the True Spirit Realm, and they will definitely be at a disadvantage.

Could it be that this undead man is too weak?

Thinking of this, Su Yi asked: "Number 2, is this undead man an ordinary person?"

"Su Yi, you think too much." [Smart Chariot] smiled wryly, and explained: "The power of the third level of the true spirit realm is far beyond what you can imagine, and the undead man in front of you has not even shown half of his strength. come out."

"Then we must kill him as soon as possible!" Su Yi's eyes suddenly narrowed.

The current undead people are still in a relaxed state, which is an excellent opportunity to kill him.

Muran, Su Yi cast [Mirror Mirror Clone], after the main body became invisible, he quietly lurked towards the undead people.

However, before he had time to get close, a dragon chant suddenly sounded in the air.

Su Yi looked up, only to see a huge long dragon hovering in mid-air, as black as ink, baring its teeth and claws, with a ferocious aura!
The long black dragon roared and rushed towards Lei Yingjun.

Bang bang bang.
With a violent crash, the three mountains standing in front of Lei Yingjun were instantly shattered.

(End of this chapter)

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