Chapter 1628 Sneak Attack

Lei Junying screamed and flew backwards.

The black dragon hovered in the air for a while, raised the sky and roared, and immediately continued to chase and kill Lei Junying.

Jiang Jingfu originally planned to rush to help, but suddenly a hundred-foot-tall Taita zombie appeared next to him, and he punched his golden puppet flying out.

In this way, he also fell into a situation where he could not protect himself.

"They're all going to die!" The undead clansman laughed wildly, a black machete with a length of tens of feet suddenly appeared in his hand, and slashed down at the puppet in the real spirit realm.

A click.

There was a long gap in the body of the puppet in the Real Spirit Realm, and it was almost split in two.

"Too strong!" Su Yi was extremely shocked.

With a little force from the undead clansman, Lei Junying and the three of them were instantly overwhelmed, showing their formidable strength to the fullest.

He is the strongest warrior he has ever seen so far.

However, even in such a situation, Su Yi still would not back down.

Because if the undead clansmen are not killed, the fierce spirit formation cannot be destroyed, let alone all of them will be finished.

"Fight it!" Su Yi gritted his teeth, took out the Golden Leopard, and then fed him a blood coagulation pill.

The golden light leopard is a monster at the eighth level of the spiritual realm. Using it as the carrier of the blood sacrifice technique, the power of self-explosion is comparable to that of the second level of the true spirit realm, and it can definitely cause a lot of damage to the undead.

After doing all this well, Su Yi ordered his avatar to rush towards the undead tribe with the golden light leopard in his hand.

"How dare an ant in the tenth level of supernatural power come over and die?" The undead clansman looked contemptuous, and stretched out a big hand to grab it away.

Su Yi's avatar did not dodge or dodge, and was easily caught by the opponent.

His purpose is to get close to the other party, wishing to be arrested.

"Huh? Are you scared stupid?" Seeing that Su Yi didn't resist, the undead tribe murmured a little.

Just when he was about to pinch Su Yi to death, he felt a scorching heat coming out of his palm.

It feels like it's not a person, it's more like a volcano that's about to erupt.

"Self-explosion?" The undead clansman snorted disdainfully.

The self-destruction of a tenth-level martial artist in the supernatural realm is indeed quite lethal.But in front of the True Spirit Realm, it is nothing at all.


Also at this moment, the golden light leopard suddenly burst.

The violent power swept away, directly blowing the hands of the undead people to pieces.


The undead groaned in pain, and retreated quickly.

Due to being too careless, one of his palms and half of his arm had been blown to pieces.

Realizing that they had been fooled, the undead clansman roared angrily, "Human, I will crush you to ashes!"

"It's not sure who will kill who." Suddenly, a cold howl echoed behind the undead clansman.

Immediately afterwards, a huge long sword shining with colorful colors rushed out of nothingness, exuding a terrifying breath of destruction, aimed at the back of the undead.

It was none other than Su Yi who launched the sneak attack.

As early as when the Golden Leopard blew himself up, he teleported behind the undead people, and immediately used the strongest ultimate move [Body and Sword Unity].

"The breath of destruction!" The undead clansmen froze, and swept back with their hands.

A loud bang.

The big hand of the undead clansman slapped the giant long sword heavily, but it was directly smashed into pieces by the sword light, and exploded.

The next moment, the giant long sword drove straight in, hit the undead man's back heavily, and passed through.

(End of this chapter)

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