Chapter 1672
"Lao An, who do you think I am?" Su Yi's face darkened, and he said angrily: "What kind of good things have I never seen? The treasures on my body are enough to surprise you for three days and three nights! To deceive you for a small piece of land?"

"Then why don't you give it back to me!" An Dingxuan felt annoyed and was about to speak.

Su Yi said first: "I told you before that my baijiu is made from 99 kinds of top-level spiritual materials. Do you know what it includes?"

An Dingxuan shook his head blankly.

Su Yi continued: "You may not have heard of some spiritual materials. I will only mention a few familiar ones. You need life spirit liquid, white sunburn fruit, longevity fruit, star sign purple water chestnut fruit, emerald star grass"

[Smart Chariot] Cheering up, "Good guy! It's time to perform again!"

An Dingxuan's mouth gradually opened wide.

Does refining liquor need to consume so many top-level spiritual materials?Is this fucking liquor?It is clearly fine nectar and jade dew.

According to Su Yi, he drank five baijiu fruits in a row, which really took advantage of him.

But why did he not believe it so much?
Who would consume so many good things for liquor?
Seeing that Su Yi was still talking, An Dingxuan quickly interrupted, "Su Yi, stop, don't brag."

"Old An, don't you believe it?" Su Yi looked at An Dingxuan.

"You think I'll believe it?" An Dingxuan curled his lips, and then said: "Who in the world would be so stupid to waste so much spiritual material refining liquor?"

"I just refined it, but I'm not stupid." Su Yi smiled lightly, "If you know what kind of power these liquors have, you won't think it's a waste."

"Then tell me." An Dingxuan became interested.

Su Yi said: "The main function of these baijiu is to increase longevity. A baijiu fruit can increase at least 1000 years!"

In fact, these baijiu are only of higher quality than ordinary baijiu, and they do not have the function of increasing longevity at all.

Anyway, the environment An Dingxuan was in would not have longevity passing away, so he could fool around as much as he wanted.

"Can you increase your lifespan by 1000 years?" An Dingxuan was shocked.

If it is really possible to increase lifespan by so much, then these baijiu are definitely considered the most precious treasures, and indeed they cannot be compared with a piece of soil.

"Without this function, how could I be willing to waste so much spiritual material?" Su Yi said solemnly.

An Dingxuan said blankly: "So, I drank five baijiu fruits in a row, and I really took advantage of it. I should give you some compensation."

Hearing this, Su Yi's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "You don't have to be so polite, who calls us friends, it doesn't matter if you give compensation or not."

An Dingxuan nodded, "There's really no need to worry so much among friends, then I won't compensate you."

Su Yi: "."

I'm just being polite, are you serious?
"Okay, if you don't give it, you won't give it." Su Yi sighed.

After all, I got a silk vest and a large piece of soil, which can be regarded as a big profit, which is completely acceptable.

"What about these?" An Dingxuan asked, pointing to the remaining baijiu fruits on the table.

A look of pain appeared on Su Yi's face, he gritted his teeth and said, "Since we are friends, I will give these to you."

"Su Yi, thank you so much!" An Dingxuan was overjoyed, and quickly put all the fruits on the table into the storage bag, as if he was afraid that Su Yi would go back on his word.

(End of this chapter)

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