Chapter 1673 Windfall
[Smart Chariot] secretly sighed, "In front of Su Yi, Lao An is still too young!"

Su Yi cheated a large piece of Xiyang with a few fruits, and was thanked by An Dingxuan in the end.

It can only be said that Su Yi's ability to fool people is getting stronger and stronger.

After An Dingxuan cleared everything on the table, Su Yi then took out some fruits, monster corpses and a bottle of life spirit liquid, "Old An, these things are also given to you."

He felt a little sorry for cheating An Dingxuan of a piece of soil, so he thought of getting something more to make up for it.

"It's all for me?" An Dingxuan was very surprised.

Su Yi said with a smile: "I have always been generous with my friends, and these are all for you."

An Dingxuan was moved, and then took out a palm-sized crystal-clear stone from the storage bag, "Su Yi, you are so generous, I can't be stingy anymore, and I will give you this sword's origin stone."

"The origin stone of the sword!" Su Yi was inexplicably surprised.

Happiness came so suddenly that I was in a trance.

The origin stone of the sword is an excellent thing for the promotion of Xiaojian.

Although the piece in front of me is not big, it is enough for Xiaojian to be promoted to the Real Spirit Realm!

What a surprise!
Originally, he felt that indebted to An Dingxuan, it was just a random move, but he could get such a rich return.

Sure enough, doing good deeds will really pay off.

"Lao An, this sword origin stone is very important to me, so I won't be polite." Su Yi excitedly put the sword origin stone into [Qiankun Ring].

"A small thing, nothing to worry about." An Dingxuan waved his hands with a smile, and then said, "Su Yi, I have nothing else to do, I'll go back first."

Su Yi hurriedly said: "Lao An, didn't you say you want to help me leave? When will it start?"

It had been many days since he left Blue Star, and he was really worried about the safety of the rear base, so he was eager to go back as soon as possible.

An Dingxuan explained: "The only way to leave here is to open a gap through Biyun Lie Jincan's shattering method, but Biyun Lie Jincan can only use it once in three days. So, if you want to leave , we have to wait for three more days."

Hearing this, Su Yi became thoughtful.

Three days was too long, and he didn't want to wait forever.

Since Biyun Lie Jincan couldn't use the Shattering Eye, he had to do it himself.

After all, he has already extracted the Shattering Dharma.

At this moment, Biyun Lie Jincan laughed triumphantly, "Su Yi, did you hear that? If you want to leave here, you have to rely on me, why don't you hurry up and beg me?"

"Please?" Su Yi looked contemptuous.

Biyun Lie Jincan snorted coldly: "I warn you, don't look at me with such eyes, show me some respect! Otherwise, if I'm not happy, I won't help you leave."

[Smart Chariot] persuaded: "Su Yi, if a man can bend and stretch, just be soft and don't be as knowledgeable as him."

Although Biyun Lie Jincan's words were not pleasant, the facts were in front of him.If you want to leave, you really need Biyun Lie Jincan's help.

Su Yi was unmoved, and sneered: "A maggot that eats shit, who pretended to be your superiority? I still need your help? Eat your shit!"

"Hey!" [Smart Chariot] sighed deeply.

Taking a step back, the sea and the sky are wide open, why can't Su Yi be patient?
Biyun Lie Jincan was furious, "Su Yi, did you say this? Don't regret it! Don't even cry and beg me!"

(End of this chapter)

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