Chapter 1711
Su Yi glanced outward with fluttering eyes, and had no intention of making a move.

The aliens' offensive seemed ferocious, but the human side stuck to the cobblestones, and the defensive formation remained strong.

As long as the formation remains, the aliens will not be able to cause major damage to them.

Moreover, this is also a stage of experience.

After all, most people on the Terran side have never experienced such high-intensity fighting.

Only by experiencing it personally can we grow rapidly.

If you can't even resist the current enemy, it will be even more difficult in the future.

This is also the reason why Su Yi has not made a move for a long time.

The fight on Pebble's side is in full swing, and Wukong's side is even more tragic.

Relying on Wukong's strong individual combat power, the aliens killed by him turned their backs, and the aliens who died in his hands were almost piled up like a mountain.

But even so, the foreigners continued to besiege Wukong like a tide.

For a moment, Wukong was completely submerged in the figures of the aliens.

"Su Yi, when shall we do it?" Li Zhenfeng asked.

With only a thousand archers, it is impossible to suppress the offensive of the aliens.

Seeing more and more aliens rushing over, he became a little anxious.

"Just now." Su Yi nodded slightly.

Originally, they didn't plan to use the trebuchet so quickly, but in the current situation, if the attack firepower is not increased, it will be difficult for the human side to persist until the end.

Afterwards, Su Yi took out ten catapults and laid them out word by word.

The person in charge of operating the catapult is a dwarf, under the unified command of Yuan Zimo.

Li Zhenfeng and others filled the stones under Yuan Zimo's signal.

When the filling is complete, Yuan Zimo gives an order, "The target is 300 meters in front, attack!"

Suddenly, ten huge black shadows rushed out.

It has to be said that the accuracy of the ten catapults is still very high, and almost all of them landed at the position of 300 meters.

This is where the ferocious beast old man is located.

Seeing ten stones several feet in size flying down from the air, the ferocious old man's expression changed drastically, and he roared, "Be careful and dodge!"

If you can use aura, these stones can be destroyed with a spell.

But now there is only one way to dodge.

Huge boulders fell from the sky and landed on the ground with a bang, causing the ground to tremble violently.

Although the aliens were prepared, many of them were unable to dodge due to the crowd.

In this way, hundreds of people were smashed into meat paste on the spot, and hundreds of others were injured and fell to the ground, wailing.

Although, the catapult caused far less damage to the aliens than the archer.

But it caused great panic among the aliens.

Looking at the clansmen who were smashed into meat paste, they all had the idea of ​​fleeing.

In this way, morale is also affected.

When the two armies are at war, once the morale is low, it is undoubtedly fatal.

The ferocious beast old man was keenly aware of this, and immediately shouted at a ferocious beast: "Blow the horn and attack in an all-round way!"


The beast blew a gigantic horn.

Muran, the Green Turtle and Yan people who surrounded the cobblestones attacked at the same time.

Looking from a distance, the surroundings are full of swaying figures of aliens, so densely packed that you can't see the end at a glance.

Soon, the monster plants and beasts guarding both sides of the cobblestone started fighting with the aliens.

The scene also became more chaotic and bloody at this time.

bang, bang, bang
At this moment, there were dense explosions from behind the cobblestone.

It was the aliens who came from the rear that touched the explosive fruit buried in the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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