Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1712 Li Qingchuan's Death in Battle

Chapter 1712 Li Qingchuan's Death in Battle

Su Yixu squinted his eyes and glanced around, his brows furrowed involuntarily.

Right now, although there is no decline on the Terran side, the situation is not optimistic.

On the front, there are archers and trebuchets suppressing it, but it can withstand it.

But the sides are not so good.

Although Yao Zhi and Yao Beast's combat power is strong, but the number is too small, they can't withstand the wave after wave of aliens.

And there are only more than 1 explosive fruits buried in the rear, which will eventually be consumed.

When the aliens came around from the rear, the situation would become even more dangerous.

Su Yi pondered for a while, then turned to Jing Jiaxiang and said: "Old Jing, send out [-] archers each to support the monster beasts and monster plants."

"Understood." Jing Jiaxiang immediately began to arrange.

A thousand archers quickly divided into three square teams, of which two 400-man square teams rushed to support the two sides.

Arrows poured down all over the sky, and a large number of aliens who attacked from both sides fell down.

The pressure on Yao Zhi and Yao Beast suddenly eased a lot.

However, without the suppression of [-] archers in the front, the number of aliens attacking increased exponentially, and it was extremely difficult for the strong man in the iron tower and others to resist.


Suddenly, a scream touched everyone's minds.

Su Yi quickly swept away, only to see that Li Qingchuan had been stabbed through the chest by a member of the Green Turtle tribe.

Li Qingchuan was also ferocious enough. Before he died, he swung his sword twice and chopped off the heads of two Green Turtle clansmen.

After killing these two people, he collapsed in a pool of blood.

Li Qingchuan's death was also the number one death on the human side since the war.

"Li Qingchuan!" Cao Qinglang and the others were distraught.

Having been together day and night for so long, they have developed deep feelings for each other.

Seeing that Li Qingchuan died on the spot, they all acted like crazy and vented all their anger on the aliens.

At this moment, everyone had only one thought in mind, to avenge Li Qingchuan!

Cao Qinglang swung the long knife wide open and closed, completely ignoring his own safety, and chopped down several aliens in an instant.

Zhang Canyang's long sword is like a swimming dragon, every time he strikes a sword, a foreigner's blood will be splashed on the spot.

The others also fought frantically.

With the sudden outbreak of the human side, the offensive of the aliens was suppressed at once.

Su Yi recalled the past with Li Qingchuan, and a sadness welled up in his heart.

But soon recovered.

With the resurrection compass, Li Qingchuan couldn't die even if she wanted to.

"Su Yi, let's join the battle!" The three brothers, Lao Tie, Da Tie and Wei Tie challenged Su Yi to fight.

"You guys." Su Yi's eyes flickered slightly.

"Su Yi, you can't let me guard the entrance this time, I have to fight to kill the enemy!" Before Su Yi could make a decision, Da Tie spoke first.

In the last two battles, Su Yi arranged to guard the entrance of the passage, which caused him to have no sense of existence.

No matter what this time, they will have a hearty fight.

Su Yi pondered for a while, and ordered: "You three guard the back, and you must not let a foreigner rush over."

"Understood!" Da Tie was very happy, and rushed to the back with Lao Tie and Wei Tie.

Su Yi then summoned three spiritual pets, the Ancient Earth Dragon, the Black Sun Rift Rat, and the Shadowless Phantom Beast, and arranged for them to guard the rear as well.

Although the three big irons are extremely powerful, they are still too few in number.With the addition of three spiritual pets, it should be able to hold on.

(End of this chapter)

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