Chapter 1716 Waiting patiently
Su Yi thought about it, and finally decided to kill the commander of the beast.

Muran, he said to Wukong and Nannan: "You two go out to do something."

"Big brother, what's the arrangement?" Nannan looked at Su Yi with wide eyes.

Wukong's eyes lit up.

Su Yi ordered: "There is a group of beasts ten kilometers away, you two go over and kill them all!"

It stands to reason that if he did it himself, he would be more confident.

However, as the leader of the rear base, he needs to take an overview of the overall situation and plan strategies, and he cannot leave easily.

Both Nannan and Wukong are super strong, and it shouldn't be a big problem for the two to join forces.

"Master, where is the beast exactly?" Wukong asked.

Su Yi said: "Let Xiaohong take you there. Besides, kill the beast and return immediately."

The red chariot has been promoted to the ultimate form. In addition to not having the function of traveling through the realm, the detection range and flight speed are even more than that of the [smart chariot].

There will be no problem if she takes Wukong and Nannan there.

"Su Yi, Xiaohong has no experience, or I'll go." [Smart Chariot] suggested.

The red chariot snorted, "No. 2, don't look down on people. I won't give in to anything you can do."

[Smart Chariot] said in a muffled voice: "Aren't I worried about you?"

Su Yi smiled and said: "With the protection of Wukong and Nannan, Xiaohong will be fine."

The reason why [Smart Chariot] is not allowed to go is because there is still a place for him to be useful in the future.

"Okay." [Smart Chariot] agreed.

Behind, the red chariot carried Wukong and Nannan and flew towards one direction.

Su Yi's attention returned to the battlefield.

At this time, the battle situation is still very anxious.

But Su Yi knew that if the delay continued, the human race would definitely lose.

"Su Yi, the situation is not optimistic. Do we want to send another man to fight?" Luo Junnan walked up to Su Yi and said solemnly.

So far, the Terran side has lost more than 100 people and injured even more.

It is also fortunate that there is the life energy of the tree of life to assist, otherwise, it would not be able to persist until now.

"Let's finish this battle first." Su Yi sighed.

Originally, they all thought that the alien's first attack should be based on temptation and not too violent, so they didn't make sufficient preparations.

Unexpectedly, the opponent's attack was like a tide, and the ferocity was far beyond imagination.

This makes defense a bit difficult.

However, fortunately, the beasts only sent two races, and they were not particularly powerful.

It's not a big problem to resist this wave.

Subsequent rearrangement is still in time.

"But we won't last long." Luo Junnan reminded.

Su Yi smiled slightly, "Don't worry, the aliens will retreat soon."

When Nuanna and Wukong kill the leader of the beast, the aliens will be in chaos, and they will retreat voluntarily.

"The aliens will retreat?" Luo Junnan was not convinced.

The aliens have been attacking for such a long time, even though tens of thousands of people died, there is no sign of stopping the attack at all, and there is no reason to retreat!
"City Lord Luo, wait patiently." Su Yi smiled without too much explanation.

"Okay." Luo Junnan nodded.

Ten minutes later, the aliens' offensive suddenly slowed down.

They seemed to have received some news and became flustered.

(End of this chapter)

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