Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1717 Playing the Battle Song

Chapter 1717 Playing the Battle Song

Seeing this, a smile appeared on the corner of Su Yi's mouth.

When this happens, Wukong and Nannan must have succeeded.

Once the commander of the fierce beast dies, the aliens will surely retreat.

Sure enough, it was as he had guessed.The aliens quickly gave up their attack and began to retreat.

"No. 2, play the battle song!" Su Yi shouted.

[Smart Chariot] flew to the cobblestone with a whoosh, and turned on the music playback function.

The song played is an improved version (Victor).

Loud music resounded over the rear base, majestic and passionate!

The melodious singing seems to be telling something.

In the long and lonely time, there are always some hopes that are the power to keep watch, the wings that break out of the cocoon, and the soaring that transforms into a butterfly!

Although the human race is weak, they are not afraid of any opponents!

Infected by this, everyone on the human side felt their blood burning.

There is only one thought in my heart, guarding the rear base, guarding the last piece of pure land of the human race.

Invisibly, everyone's combat effectiveness soared.

With a solemn expression, Su Yi raised his voice and shouted: "Attack all! Hunt down the aliens!"


The sound of shouting and killing shook the sky.

The human side is passionate.

The strong man in the iron tower and others took the lead and rushed out first.

The rest of the people, including Yao Zhi and Yao Beast, followed closely behind.

Even the archers took up their weapons and charged bravely.

The number of the human race is far less than that of the alien race, but at this moment, they all turned into fierce men with one enemy against a hundred, brandishing the weapons in their hands, hunting and killing the alien race mercilessly.

The aliens had no intention of fighting, and after being hunted down, they ran away desperately.

Nannan and Wukong also returned at this time, and joined the ranks of chasing and killing.

With the addition of these two superpowers, the aliens were killed and fled, throwing away their helmets and armor.

The fierce battle lasted for half an hour, and finally, under Su Yi's signal, the human side stopped chasing and killing.

Then began to clean the battlefield and collect the arrows that were shot.

Su Yi convened high-level officials and held an emergency meeting.

Although this battle ended with the aliens fleeing in defeat, it exposed many problems.

In addition, the ferocious beast will definitely not let it go, maybe it will make a comeback soon.

And the next battle will be even more difficult and cruel.

Some of the previous deployments were obviously unable to deal with it, and the combat policy had to be re-formulated.

After cleaning the battlefield, Cao Qinglang and the others returned to the cobblestone to rest.

At this time, they looked slumped and their hearts were extremely heavy.

Although he defeated the alien, he didn't feel the slightest joy.

The reason is also very simple. Many friends who get along day and night died in this battle.

Hu Xiuyuan glanced at Cao Qinglang, and said carelessly: "Old Cao, why do you still look downcast after winning the battle?"

Cao Qinglang sighed, "It's true that we won the battle, but we lost so many people, how can we be happy?"

"How can anyone survive in a war?" Hu Xiuyuan said indifferently.

Cao Qinglang gave Hu Xiuyuan a blank look, and said angrily, "The dead are all our friends and comrades-in-arms. How dare you say it so easily! Do you still have any humanity?"

Hu Xiuyuan was not angry, and smiled meaningfully: "Do you know why I am so relaxed? Because I have a way to revive them!"

Not many people know about Su Yi's resurrection compass, and Cao Qinglang and others don't know about it.

On the other hand, he heard about it when the world was fragmented.

He was sure that Su Yi would resurrect all the dead people soon.

The reason why Cao Qinglang was not clearly informed was that she wanted to take the opportunity to pretend to be coercive.

(End of this chapter)

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