Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1739 Experience 1 My True Strength

Chapter 1739 See My True Strength

"Hey!" A sly smile crossed the corner of Su Yi's mouth, and a black light suddenly shot out from his eyes, deeply piercing into the eyes of the Spider Queen.


A trace of struggle appeared on the Spider Queen's face, and before she could react, a door of light suddenly appeared in front of her.

Su Yi charged forward and pushed the Spider Queen into the light gate with one kick.

The Spider Queen felt her eyes spinning for a while, and the next moment, she inexplicably entered a large hall, the surroundings were empty, only a few thick metal pillars stood in it.

Su Yi hurriedly contacted Ling Nianyao. "Ling Nianyao, what's the matter?"

Ling Nianyao made a triumphant gesture, "It's done!"

Su Yi was certain that when he was about to leave, the insects and beasts all around rushed towards him frantically.

"court death!"

Su Yi sneered, and raised his hand to smash out [Storm Hammer].

The huge hammer shadow swept out, tearing all the surrounding insects and beasts into pieces.

After punching this punch, Su Yi didn't bother to fight. He flew into the air and quickly returned to the cobblestone.

Right now, the main goal is to subdue the Spider Queen, and other insects and beasts are nothing to worry about.

Back in the passage, Su Yi told Wukong and Nannan: "You two go out and kill those flying fire ants."

"Huh?" Wukong was a little confused.

The big spider is still outside, Su Yi won't let them die, will he?
Nannan didn't care, "Isn't it just a spider, what's there to be afraid of?"

"What the hell is that an ordinary spider? You didn't know how we were abused just now?" Wukong muttered secretly.

Su Yi smiled and said: "Don't worry, the little spider is gone, you can just kill the bugs."

"Not anymore?" Wukong's eyes lit up, and he laughed presumptuously, "Ninny, I'll take you out to wreak havoc."

Nannan rolled her eyes at Wukong, with contempt in her eyes.

When Nannan and Wukong left, Su Yi entered the fragments of the world.

Somewhere in the fragments of the world, there stands a towering and majestic silver metal city, exuding a layer of dazzling silver light, it is Moonlight City.

At this moment, Ling Nianyao was standing right in front of Moonlight City, with an anxious expression on his face.

"What's the situation with that little spider?" Su Yi came to Ling Nianyao and asked with a smile.

Ling Nianyao hurriedly said: "Su Yi, hurry up and do it, Moonlight City won't be able to suppress that spider for too long."

"Okay, open Moonlight City and let me in." Su Yi nodded slightly.

Ling Nianyao stretched out her hand towards Moonlight City, and with a burst of silver light, a silver door of light suddenly appeared.

Su Yi glanced at the silver light door with fluttering eyes, strode into it, and disappeared in an instant.

In the main hall of Moonlight City, the Spider Queen crazily bombarded the surrounding metal walls and kept yelling, "Su Yi, you coward, come out and fight me if you have the ability."

"What are you calling for? Am I not here?"

A ray of light suddenly fell from the hall, it was Su Yi who had teleported here.

"Su Yi!" The Spider Queen stared at Su Yi, and sneered, "I didn't expect you to really show up."

Su Yi smiled faintly, "Little Spider, if you don't show up, how can I subdue you?"

"Conquer me?" The Spider Queen sneered, "Can you be my opponent? Forget how you were punched flying by me before?"

Su Yi curled his lips and smiled, "Next, I will show you my true strength!"

After the words fell, he stretched his hand up a little.

With a click, a gap suddenly opened above the hall.

Immediately, a huge long sword exuding colorful colors rushed out of it.

(End of this chapter)

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