Chapter 1740 I'll Eat You

Su Yi stretched out his hand towards the Spider Queen, and the figurative long sword flew towards her with a terrifying aura of destruction.

The Spider Queen looked disdainful, and a raging fire suddenly burned on her body, as if she had transformed into a flame girl.

When the figurative long sword slashed over, I saw him smashing out in the air with a flaming fist in his hand.

A loud bang.

When the two collided, the figurative long sword was thrown flying out.

And the Spider Queen was also repelled ten steps away.

At this moment, Su Yi casted the magical power of [teleportation], and disappeared from the spot with a whoosh.

Using a figurative sword to attack is just a cover.

His real purpose is to sneak attack, cut the mess quickly!
"You are nothing more than that." The Spider Queen stabilized her figure and swept towards Su Yi.

But it was unexpectedly discovered that Su Yi had disappeared.

"Where did you go?" The Spider Queen glanced around.

Suddenly, a sharp piercing sound came from behind.

But Su Yi flashed out of the void, holding the Xuantian Spirit Sword, and slashed at the back of the Spider Queen.

"Someone is sneak attacking!" The Spider Queen's expression froze, a flame shot out from her back, and after condensing, it formed a huge flame shield.

"Naive!" Su Yi sneered, and the Xuantian Spirit Sword slashed down with lightning speed.

With a stabbing sound, the flame shield was instantly split in half.

The Xuantian Spirit Slaying Sword drove straight in, and slashed heavily on the back of the Spider Queen.


In the midst of a bewitching glow of blood, a huge wound was cracked on the back of the Spider Queen, and the bones could be seen deep, which was shocking.

This is also Su Yi's intention to spare the Spider Queen's life, otherwise, with the sharpness of the Xuantian Spirit Slaying Sword, the Spider Queen can definitely be chopped into pieces.


The Spider Queen was severely injured, and fell to the ground with a scream, and her breath quickly became weak.

"Are you still convinced?" Su Yi stepped forward and made a provocative sound. .

At this moment, if he wanted to, he could kill the Spider Queen without any effort.

However, since the aim is to subdue it, it cannot be done.

The spider queen's eyes were filled with strong resentment. She looked up at Su Yi and roared, "What kind of skill is it to use a sneak attack?"

"Shabi!" Su Yi snorted coldly, and then said: "I will give you a chance to live, submit to me, and be my spiritual pet."

"You're dreaming!" The Spider Queen growled through gritted teeth.

As a spider king, she also has dignity.

She would rather be killed than choose to be a spiritual pet.

"I've seen a lot of hard bones like you." Su Yi raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile: "Since you don't give in, then I can only torture you."

The Spider Queen suddenly sneered, "Su Yi, do you really think I'm sure?"

Su Yi pinched his nose, and said seriously: "The facts are in front of us, I'm sure I'm sure of you."

"You'll regret it." The Spider Queen's face darkened, and blood suddenly flowed from her body.

With the appearance of this bloody light, her aura rose steadily, and she returned to her peak state in the blink of an eye.

"Furious?" Su Yi's eyelids twitched.

Although [Fury] has been extracted, but has not had a chance to use it, so it is not sure whether the Spider Queen has used this supernatural power.

"Go to hell!" The Spider Queen jumped up and punched Su Yi.

At the same time as this punch was punched, the surrounding void seemed to be shattered.

(End of this chapter)

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